中英成語(yǔ)俚語(yǔ)800對(duì)087:從善如流 從善如流 If the counsel be good, no matter who gave it. eg:Jack did not l... [查看全文]
中英成語(yǔ)俚語(yǔ)800對(duì)086:從容不迫 從容不迫 Take things easy. Take one's time. Cool as a cucumber. eg:N... [查看全文]
中英成語(yǔ)俚語(yǔ)800對(duì)085:綽綽有余 綽綽有余 One's cup runs over. Lashings and lavings. eg:Don't worry ... [查看全文]
中英成語(yǔ)俚語(yǔ)800對(duì)084:唇槍舌劍 唇槍舌劍 Have a sharp tongue. Exchange heated words. Break a lance with on... [查看全文]
中英成語(yǔ)俚語(yǔ)800對(duì)083:重整旗鼓 重整旗鼓 Rally one's forces. Re-Shuffle. eg:Don't be discouraged. Let's dig up the hatchet and carry on. [查看全文]
中英成語(yǔ)俚語(yǔ)800對(duì)082:垂頭喪氣 垂頭喪氣 Hang one's head. Down in the mouth (dumps). With one's tai... [查看全文]
中英成語(yǔ)俚語(yǔ)800對(duì)081:吹毛求疵 吹毛求疵 Pick a hole in one's coat. Pick to pieces. Find fault with. ... [查看全文]
中英成語(yǔ)俚語(yǔ)800對(duì)080:處心積慮 處心積慮 After long deliberation. By design. eg:He carried out his plot af... [查看全文]
中英成語(yǔ)俚語(yǔ)800對(duì)079:初生牛犢不怕虎 初生牛犢不怕虎 They who know nothing fear nothing. eg:Members of the te... [查看全文]
中英成語(yǔ)俚語(yǔ)800對(duì)078:初出茅廬 初出茅廬 A green horn. A freshwater sailor. As green as grass. Wet behin... [查看全文]