分秒必爭 Every minute counts. Improve each shining hour. Improve every moment. eg:We must hurry up to... [查看全文]
分道揚鑣 Go separate ways. eg:The friends parted company because their diference in interests. 同義詞:各... [查看全文]
肺腑之言 Speak one's conscience. eg:I am speaking my conscience to you in giving you my suggestion. ... [查看全文]
非同小可 Something out of the ordinary. No small matter. Not to be dismissed lightly. eg:The discovery... [查看全文]
飛黃騰達 Rise in the world. Flourish like the green bay-tree. His star was in the ascendant. Get on ... [查看全文]
防患于未然 Prevention is better than cure. Nip in the bud. Crush in the egg. To take precaution. eg... [查看全文]
方興未艾 In the bud. In the ascendant. On the upgrade. In infancy. eg:The reform was nipped in the... [查看全文]
返老還童 In one's second childhood. An old man is twice a child. eg:Leonard joined the football team... [查看全文]
反復無常 Play fast and loose. eg:One should not blow hot and cold with what one has promised. 中英俚語... [查看全文]
發(fā)人深省 Set one to thinking. Provide food for thought. Give one something to think about. eg:His fai... [查看全文]