In the study, researchers observed the diets of a group of middle-aged men over 12 years. What they discovered was quite unexpected. It turned out that the men who consumed higher amounts of diary fat were less likely to become obese in comparison to those who ate low fat dairy products.
The results are seemingly counter-intuitive and it is unclear what the reason is. However, there are some theories. Some scientists think it could be the feeling of fullness you get from when you eat high fat foods. Whole milk makes you feel fuller, faster. As a result, you eat less. Another theory is that the fat in dairy products may contain substances that alter your metabolism to help your body burn the fat more efficiently.
Does it sound too good to be true? I hope it’s true. I love the taste of whole milk and real butter. It would be nice to eat them without the guilt. It is encouraging that another study in the UK found similar results for children. There are more studies underway, so maybe sometime in the near future we will get a better answer.