We are tidy-minded people at heart.
Some of us have minimalist desks straight out of a gaudy magazine.Most of us find that the business of actually doing some work tends to mess up our desks a bit.
Still, everyone seems to feel proud of a tidy desk and guilty about a messy one.
I think that's a mistake.
What we don't realize is that desks have a tendency to organize themselves based on the way we use them.
Computer scientists have known this for decades.A critical problem in computer science is what data should you keep in your computer's fastest memory cache.
That is a bit like asking, what documents you should keep on top of the pile right in front of you.
And this is a tricky problem.You never really know what data or what document you need to access next.But computer scientists have found a good guess.Just keep hold of what you've used recently.You probably need it again.
Hang on a moment.Isn't that basically what this pile of papers is doing anyway? I thumb through, pull out a couple of documents.I work on them, then put them back on top of the pile of paper.
The stuff I'm not using sinks to the bottom.That's the orange documents.The stuff I need all the time keeps re-appearing on the top.First I was working a lot on the green documents, and now I'm working on the yellow ones, in the end of course, you need to have a clear-out.And that's no problem.
I'm pretty sure, the bottom third of this pile can go straight in the bin after a leaf through.
I haven't wasted my time trying to file stuff that on reflection belong to recycling.I haven't spent hours trudging to and from the filing cabinet.Instead, just by using the documents, I've allowed them to organize themselves.
So, next time you feel bad about your clutter desk, give yourself a break.You've got a highly efficient self-organizing rapid access filing system.So what if it looks so messy?