Including General Electric, there are now 30 stocks listed in the Dow. They're called Blue Chips, stocks from companies that are financially strong andconsidered good investments. The Dow Jonesaverage is one indication how the U.S. economy isdoing and it hit a milestone last week. It passed 25,000 points.
But it's not just the Dow's new high mark that made news. It's the speed at which the indexreached the record. For the Dow to go from 5,000 points to 10,000, which it did back in the 1990s, it took more than three years. The index just jumped from 20,000 points from 25,000 in less than 12 months. Analysts say this is because the U.S. economy is growing faster andthat companies profits are high.
Some economists say it's possible for the economy to overheat, to grow too fast and causeinflation, when prices rise and people ar??en't able to buy as much. That could trigger a seriesof actions that could reverse economic growth.
Others say there's still plenty of room for the economy to grow without overheating. And if itdoes that, it's anyone's guess how high the Dow can go.
Including General Electric, there are now 30 stocks listed in the Dow. They're called Blue Chips, stocks from companies that are financially strong andconsidered good investments. The Dow Jonesaverage is one indication how the U.S. economy isdoing and it hit a milestone last week. It passed 25,000 points.
But it's not just the Dow's new high mark that made news. It's the speed at which the indexreached the record. For the Dow to go from 5,000 points to 10,000, which it did back in the 1990s, it took more than three years. The index just jumped from 20,000 points from 25,000 in less than 12 months. Analysts say this is because the U.S. economy is growing faster andthat companies profits are high.
Some economists say it's possible for the economy to overheat, to grow too fast and causeinflation, when prices rise and people ar??en't able to buy as much. That could trigger a seriesof actions that could reverse economic growth.
Others say there's still plenty of room for the economy to grow without overheating. And if itdoes that, it's anyone's guess how high the Dow can go.