完璧歸趙return sth. to the owner in good condition (lit. to return the jade annulus to Zhao)
萬事如意good luck;best wishes;all the best
望塵莫及to be far too inferior (lit. to see only the other rider’s dust and have no hope of catching up)
望梅止渴to console oneself with illusions;feed on fancies (lit. to quench one’s thirst by thinking of plums)
亡羊補牢better late than never;to remedy the situation (lit. to mend the pen after sheep are lost)
微乎其微very little;next to nothing
為虎作倀to help a villain do evil;(lit. to act as accomplice to the tiger)
聞雞起舞be roused into action
臥薪嘗膽inure oneself for future trials