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《最后的決戰(zhàn)》 第十章 誰進(jìn)馬廄






JILL felt something tickling her ear. It was Jewel the Unicorn, whispering to her with the wide whisper of a horse’s mouth. As soon as she heard what he was saying she nodded and tip-toed back to where Puzzle was standing. Quickly and quietly she cut the last cords that bound the lion-skin to him. It wouldn’t do for him to be caught with that on,after what the Ape had said! She would like to have hidden the skin somewhere very far away,but it was too heavy. The best she could do was to kick it in among the thickest bushes. Then she made signs to Puzzle to follow her and they both joined the others.
The Ape was speaking again.
“And after a horrid thing like that,Aslan-Tashlan-is angrier than ever. He says he’s been a great deal too good to you,coming out every night to be looked at,see! Well,he’s not coming out any more.”
Howls and mewings and squeals and grunts were the Animals’ answer to this,but suddenly a quite different voice broke in with a loud laugh.
“Hark what the monkey says,”it shouted.“We know why he isn’t going to bring his precious Aslan out. I’ll tell you why: because he hasn’t got him. He never had anything except an old donkey with a lion-skin on its back. Now he’s lost that and he doesn’t know what to do.”
Tirian could not see the faces on the other side of the fire very well but he guessed this was Griffle the Chief Dwarf. And he was quite certain of it when,a second later,all the Dwarfs’ voices joined in,singing:“Don’t know what to do! Don’t know what to do! Don’t know what to do-o-o!”
“Silence!”thundered Rishda Tarkaan.“Silence,children of mud! Listen to me,you other Narnians,lest I give command to my warriors to fall upon you with the edge of the sword. The Lord Shift has already told you of that wicked Ass. Do you think, because of him that there is no real Tashlan in the stable! Do you ? Beware,beware.”
“No,no,”shouted most of the crowd. But the Dwarfs said, “That’s right,Darkie,you’ve got it. Come on,Monkey,show us what’s in the stable,seeing is believing.”
When next there was a moment’s quiet the Ape said:“You Dwarfs think you’re very clever,don’t you ? But not so fast. I never said you couldn’t see Tashlan. Anyone who likes can see him.”
The whole assembly became silent. Then,after nearly a minute,the Bear began in a slow,puzzled voice:
“I don’t quite understand all this,”it grumbled,“I thought you said-”
“You thought!”repeated the Ape.“As if anyone could call what goes on in your head thinking. Listen,you others. Anyone can see Tashlan. But he’s not coming out. You have to go in and see him.”
“Oh,thank you,thank you,thank you,”said dozens of voices.“That’s what we wanted! We can go in and see him face to face. And now he’ll be kind and it will all be as it used to be.”And the Birds chattered,and the Dogs barked excitedly. Then suddenly,there was a great stirring and a noise of creatures rising to their feet,and in a second the whole lot of them would have been rushing forward and trying to crowd into the stable door all together. But the Ape shouted:
“Get back! Quiet! Not so fast.”
The Beasts stopped,many of them with one paw in the air many with tails wagging,and all of them with heads on one side.
“I thought you said,”began the Bear,but Shift interrupted.
“Anyone can go in,”he said.“But,one at a time. Who’ll go first ? He didn’t say he was feeling very kind. He’s been licking his lips a lot since he swallowed up the wicked King the other night. He’s been growling a good deal this morning. I wouldn’t much like to go into that stable myself tonight. But just as you please. Who’d like to go in first ? Don’t blame me if he swallows you whole or blasts you into a cinder with the mere terror of his eyes. That’s your affair. Now then! Who’s first ? What about one of you Dwarfs ?”
“Dilly,dilly,come and be killed!”sneered Griffle.“How do we know what you’ve got in there ?”
“Ho-ho!”cried the Ape.“So you’re beginning to think there’s something there,eh ? Well,all you Beasts were making noise enough a minute ago. What’s struck you all dumb ? Who’s going in first ?”
But the Beasts all stood looking at one another and began backing away from the stable. Very few tails were wagging now. The Ape waddled to and fro jeering at them.“Ho-ho-ho!”he chuckled.“I thought you were all so eager to see Tashlan face to face! Changed your mind,eh ?”
Tirian bent his head to hear something that Jill was trying to whisper in his ear.“What do you think is really inside the stable ?”she said.“Who knows ?”said Tirian.“Two Calormenes with drawn swords,as likely as not,one on each side of the door.”“You don’t think,”said Jill,“it might be... you know... that horrid thing we saw ?”“Tash himself ?”whispered Tirian.“There’s no knowing. But courage,child:we are all between the paws of the true Aslan.”
Then a most surprising thing happened. Ginger the Cat said in a cool,clear voice,not at all as if he was excited,“I’ll go in,if you like.”
Every creature turned and fixed its eyes on the Cat.“Mark their subtleties,Sire,”said Poggin to the King.“This cursed cat is in the plot,in the very centre of it. Whatever is in the stable will not hurt him,I’ll be bound. Then Ginger will come out again and say that he has seen some wonder.”
But Tirian had no time to answer him. The Ape was calling the Cat to come forward.“Ho-ho!”said the Ape.“So you,a pert Puss,would look upon him face to face. Come on,then! I’ll open the door for you. Don’t blame me if he scares the whiskers off your face. That’s your affair.”
And the Cat got up and came out of its place in the crowd, walking primly and daintily,with its tail in the air,not one hair on its sleek coat out of place. It came on till it had passed the fire and was so close that Tirian,from where he stood with his shoulder against the end-wall of the stable,could look right into its face. Its big green eyes never blinked. (“Cool as a cucumber,”muttered Eustace.“It knows it has nothing to fear.”) The Ape,chuckling and making faces,shuttled across beside the Cat:put up his paw: drew the bolt and opened the door. Tirian thought he could hear the Cat purring as it walked into the dark doorway.
“Aii-aii-aouwee!-”The most horrible caterwaul you ever heard made everyone jump. You have been wakened yourself by cats quarrelling or making love on the roof in the middle of the night:you know the sound.
This was worse. The Ape was knocked head over heels by Ginger coming back out of the stable at top speed. If you had not known he was a cat,you might have thought he was a ginger-coloured streak of lightning. He shot across the open grass,back into the crowd. No one wants to meet a cat in that state. You could see animals getting out of his way to left and right. He dashed up a tree,whisked around,and hung head downwards. His tail was bristled out till it was nearly as thick as his whole body:his eyes were like saucers of green fire:along his back every single hair stood on end.
“I’d give my beard,”whispered Poggin,“to know whether that brute is only acting or whether it has really found something in there that frightened it!”
“Peace,friend,”said Tirian,for the Captain and the Ape were also whispering and he wanted to hear what they said. He did not succeed,except that he heard the Ape once more whimpering“My head,my head,”but he got the idea that those two were almost as puzzled by the cat’s behaviour as himself.
“Now,Ginger,”said the Captain.“Enough of that noise. Tell them what thou hast seen.”
“Aii-Aii-Aaow-Awah,”screamed the Cat.
“Art thou not called a Talking Beast ?”said the Captain.“Then hold thy devilish noise and talk.”
What followed was rather horrible. Tirian felt quite certain (and so did the others) that the Cat was trying to say something:but nothing came out of his mouth except the ordinary,ugly cat-noises you might hear from any angry or frightened old Tom in a backyard in England. And the longer he caterwauled the less like a Talking Beast he looked. Uneasy whimperings and little sharp squeals broke out from among the other Animals.
“Look,look!”said the voice of the Bear.“It can’t talk. It has forgotten how to talk! It has gone back to being a dumb beast. Look at its face.”Everyone saw that it was true. And then the greatest terror of all fell upon those Narnians. For every one of them had been taught-when only a chick or a puppy or a cub-how Aslan at the beginning of the world had turned the beasts of Narnia into Talking Beasts and warned them that if they weren’t good they might one day be turned back again and be like the poor witless animals one meets in other countries.“And now it is coming upon us,”they moaned.
“Mercy! Mercy!”wailed the Beasts.“Spare us,Lord Shift, stand between us and Aslan,you must always go in and speak to him for us. We daren’t,we daren’t.”
Ginger disappeared further up into the tree. No one ever saw him again.
Tirian stood with his hand on his sword-hilt and his head bowed. He was dazed with the horrors of that night. Sometimes he thought it would be best to draw his sword at once and rush upon the Calormenes:then next moment he thought it would be better to wait and see what new turn affairs might take. And now a new turn came.
“My Father,”came a clear,ringing voice from the left of the crowd. Tirian knew at once that it was one of the Calormenes speaking,for in The Tisroc’s army the common soldiers call the officers“My Master”but the officers call their senior officers“My Father”. Jill and Eustace didn’t know this but,after looking this way and that,they saw the speaker,for of course people at the sides of the crowd were easier to see than people in the middle where the glare of the fire made all beyond it look rather black. He was young and tall and slender,and even rather beautiful in the dark,haughty,Calormene way.
“My Father,”he said to the Captain,“I also desire to go in.”
“Peace,Emeth,”said the Captain,“Who called thee to counsel ?Does it become a boy to speak ?”
“My Father,”said Emeth.“Truly I am younger than thou,yet I also am of the blood of the Tarkaans even as thou art,and I also am the servant of Tash. Therefore...”
“Silence,”said Rishda Tarkaan.“Am I not thy Captain ? Thou hast nothing to do with this stable. It is for the Narnians.”
“Nay,my Father,”answered Emeth.“Thou hast said that their Aslan and our Tash are all one. And if that is the truth,then Tash himself is in yonder. And how then sayest thou that I have nothing to do with him ? For gladly would I die a thousand deaths if I might look once on the face of Tash.”
“Thou art a fool and understandest nothing,”said Rishda Tarkaan.“These be high matters.”
Emeth’s face grew sterner.“Is it then not true that Tash and Aslan are all one ?”he asked.“Has the Ape lied to us ?”
“Of course they’re all one,”said the Ape.
“Swear it,Ape,”said Emeth.
“Oh dear!”whimpered Shift,“I wish you’d all stop bothering me. My head does ache. Yes,yes,I swear it.”
“Then,my Father,”said Emeth,“I am utterly determined to go in.”
“Fool,”began Rishda Tarkaan,but at once the Dwarfs began shouting:“Come along,Darkie. Why don’t you let him in ? Why do you let Narnians in and keep your own people out ? What have you got in there that you don’t want your own men to meet ?”
Tirian and his friends could only see the back of Rishda Tarkaan,so they never knew what his face looked like as he shrugged his shoulders and said,“Bear witness all that I am guiltless of this young fool’s blood. Get thee in,rash boy,and make haste.”
Then,just as Ginger had done,Emeth came walking forward into the open strip of grass between the bonfire and the stable. His eyes were shining,his face very solemn,his hand was on his sword-hilt,and he carried his head high. Jill felt like crying when she looked at his face. And Jewel whispered in the King’s ear,“By the Lion’s Mane,I almost love this young warrior,Calormene though he be. He is worthy of a better god than Tash.”
“I do wish we knew what is really inside there,”said Eustace.
Emeth opened the door and went in,into the black mouth of the stable. He closed the door behind him. Only a few moments passed-but it seemed longer before the door opened again. A figure in Calormene armour reeled out,fell on its back,and lay still:the door closed behind it. The Captain leaped towards it and bent down to stare at its face. He gave a start of surprise. Then he recovered himself and turned to the crowd,crying out:
“The rash boy has had his will. He has looked on Tash and is dead. Take warning,all of you.”
“We will,we will,”said the poor Beasts. But Tirian and his friends stared first at the dead Calormene and then at one another. For they,being so close,could see what the crowd,being further off and beyond the fire,could not see:this dead man was not Emeth. He was quite different:an older man,thicker and not so tall,with a big beard.
“Ho-ho-ho,”chuckled the Ape.“Any more ? Anyone else want to go in ?Well,as you’re all shy,I’ll choose the next. You, you Boar! On you come. Drive him up,Calormenes. He shall see Tashlan face to face.”
“O-o-mph,”grunted the Boar,rising heavily to his feet.“Come on,then. Try my tusks.”
When Tirian saw that brave Beast getting ready to fight for its life-and Calormene soldiers beginning to close in on it with their drawn scimitars-and no one going to its help-something seemed to burst inside him. He no longer cared if this was the best moment to interfere or not.
“Swords out,”he whispered to the others.“Arrow on string. Follow.”
Next moment the astonished Narnians saw seven figures leap forth in front of the stable,four of them in shining mail. The King’s sword flashed in the firelight as he waved it above his head and cried in a great voice:
“Here stand I,Tirian of Narnia,in Aslan’s name,to prove with my body that Tash is a foul fiend,the Ape a manifold traitor,and these Calormenes worthy of death. To my side,all true Narnians. Would you wait till your new masters have killed you all one by one ?”

第十章 誰進(jìn)馬廄

“在這可怕的事情發(fā)生之后,阿斯蘭……塔什蘭……更加憤怒了。他說他對你們太好了,每晚都出來給你們瞻仰。現(xiàn)在!他生氣了, 再也不會出來了。”
“安靜!”利什達(dá)大發(fā)雷霆道,“安靜,這群泥巴矮人!其他納尼亞子民們,聽我說,要不我就讓士兵砍死你們。詭譎王爺既然已經(jīng)把那只邪惡驢子的事兒告訴你們了。怎么?難道你們竟然認(rèn)為, 真正的塔什蘭沒在馬廄里面嗎?是那樣的嗎?那你們可要小心了,小心了。”
“不,我們沒這么想。”大部分獸民高喊道。然而小矮人們卻說: “你說得對,黑皮,你正中要害。猴子,那就給我們瞧瞧馬廄里到底藏著什么,眼見為實(shí),耳聽為虛嘛。”
短暫的沉默過后,無尾猿說道:“你們這些小矮人自認(rèn)聰明,哈? 別這么快下結(jié)論。我可沒說過你們不能見塔什蘭。誰想見都行。”
所有人立刻無語了。不久,差不多一分鐘之后,熊開始說話了, 緩慢地、充滿疑惑和惶恐:
“哦,太感謝了,太感謝了。”十幾個獸民齊聲說道,“那就是我們所想要的!我們要進(jìn)去,覲見他。他一定是仁慈的,就跟往常一般,處處寬容。”小鳥和小狗們?nèi)几吲d地鳴唱、吠叫起來。隨著一陣巨大的騷動和喧嘩,獸民們幾乎全都站起來,立刻往前沖去,大家都竭盡全力要擠進(jìn)馬廄中去。但,無尾猿大叫道:“回去!安靜! 別這么激動!”
“你們誰都能進(jìn)去,”無尾猿說道,“不過,只能一次一個。你們誰先去?我可沒說他是仁慈的。自從大前天他把那個邪惡的國王生吞下肚之后,他就不停地舔著自己的唇角。今天早上他還大聲嚎叫了好一會兒。今晚連我都不怎么想進(jìn)去。不過,你們隨便。誰想第一個進(jìn)去,不管他把你整個兒吞進(jìn)去也好,或者用他那火眼金睛將你燒成灰燼也罷,都別怪我。那是你自己的事。好吧,進(jìn)來吧,誰先? 你們小矮人先來?”
“哈哈!”無尾猿喊道,“你們現(xiàn)在又在想里邊有什么東西了, 是嗎?看吧,一分鐘以前你們這些動物都吵吵鬧鬧的。現(xiàn)在又是誰把你們都變成了啞巴?誰想第一個進(jìn)去呀?”
每一只動物都吃驚地轉(zhuǎn)過頭來,直盯著這只貓兒看。“留神,陛下, 他們都很狡猾,”波金對國王說道,“這該死的貓兒不僅參與了陰謀, 更是他們的核心。無論馬廄里藏著什么,都絕對不會傷害它,我肯定。金格一定會從馬廄中出來,說它看到了奇跡。”
可是蒂里安根本沒空回答。無尾猿正叫那貓兒呢。“哈哈!” 無尾猿笑道,“那么你,冒失的貓咪,居然是你要先去面對他。那就來吧,我替你開門。如果他把你嚇得連胡須從臉上掉下來,可別怪我。那都是你自找的。”
于是貓兒站起來,從大眾中走了出去,它一本正經(jīng)往前走著, 那樣優(yōu)雅,尾巴翹著,柔軟發(fā)亮的皮毛是那樣得體。它一路向前, 越過篝火,逐漸靠近。蒂里安把肩膀倚在馬廄邊沿的墻上,正好可以仔細(xì)端詳貓兒的臉。它那碧綠的大眼睛一眨不眨。 “坦然自若,” 尤斯塔斯喃喃自語,“它知道自己沒什么可怕的。”無尾猿訕笑著, 扮著鬼臉拖拖拉拉走過來,站在貓兒身旁,伸出前爪,拉開門閂,打開大門。蒂里安聽見了貓兒走進(jìn)黑暗中時那種特有的嗚嗚聲。
“現(xiàn)在,金格,”卡樂門人說道,“你的號叫也夠了。把你看到的, 都告訴他們吧。”
隨之發(fā)生的事情是很可怕的。蒂里安萬分肯定(別人也一樣) 貓兒正竭力想要說些什么,可是它卻一個字也說不出來,只能發(fā)出平常的難聽至極的貓叫聲,在英國人的后院,任何憤怒或吃驚的貓兒都是這么叫的。而且,它號叫的時間越長,就越像一只普通的不會講話的動物。其他的野獸立刻迸發(fā)出了不安的嗚咽和微弱的尖叫。
“看吧,看吧!”野豬的聲音響起,“它都不會說話了。它已經(jīng)忘記怎樣說話了。它已經(jīng)退化成一只啞巴畜生了。瞧瞧它的臉。” 而大家看到的的確如此。于是最大的恐怖降落在了在場納尼亞獸民的心中。因?yàn)樗鼈兌悸犝f過——當(dāng)它們還是只小雞或小狗或幼狐的時候,阿斯蘭在創(chuàng)立世界的時候,就讓納尼亞的動物們學(xué)會說話的本事,并且警告它們,如果一旦發(fā)現(xiàn)他們行為不檢,就會變回老樣子,變成跟別的國家那些可憐的愚蠢的禽獸一樣。“如今這種變化降臨到我們身上了。”它們嘆道。
“求求您大發(fā)慈悲,發(fā)發(fā)慈悲!”野獸們哀號著,“救救我們, 詭譎王爺,你作為我們和阿斯蘭的聯(lián)絡(luò)人,請您進(jìn)去,幫我們說說好話。我們不敢,再也不敢了。”
“我的父親,”一個清脆響亮的聲音從群眾的左側(cè)傳來。蒂里安立刻聽出來那是一個普通的卡樂門士兵,因?yàn)樵诘偎沽_克的軍隊(duì)里,普通士兵都把他們的長官稱為“我?guī)煾?rdquo;,軍官則把他們的上級軍官稱作“我父親”。姬爾和尤斯塔斯不知道這個,但他們左顧右盼的, 總算找到了說話的人。站在大火邊上與站在中間的人相比,視線要好得多。中間火光熊熊,會讓后面的一切變得更黑。這是個高大、苗條、皮膚黝黑的年輕人,頗有些自命不凡的卡樂門風(fēng)度,看起來還挺英俊的。
“安靜,伊梅斯,”隊(duì)長說道,“誰叫你參與討論的,一個小孩子, 怎么能在這里發(fā)言?”
“我的父親,”伊梅斯說,“我是比你年幼,但是我跟您一樣, 身上流的都是泰坎的血統(tǒng),我也是塔什神的仆人,所以……”
伊梅斯打開門進(jìn)去,進(jìn)了漆黑的馬廄里。他關(guān)上身后的門。然而, 片刻過后——感覺上好像過了很久,門又開了。一個穿卡樂門鎖子甲的身影跌跌撞撞地退出來,一出門就仰面倒地,癱倒在那里動也不動。馬廄的門重新闔上了。隊(duì)長跳到那人身邊,俯身端詳了一會兒他的臉。顯然,他也嚇了一跳,但他立刻恢復(fù)了鎮(zhèn)定,并轉(zhuǎn)向群眾喊道:
“哈哈哈,”無尾猿吃吃笑了,“還有誰?還有誰要進(jìn)去?算了, 既然大家都那么害羞,就讓我來挑吧。野豬,你過來。把他押過來, 卡樂門衛(wèi)兵們。讓他去覲見覲見塔什神。”
“奧、奧、姆比,”野豬咕噥著,它沉重地站起來,“那就來吧, 來試試我的獠牙。”


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