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《最后的決戰(zhàn)》 第十二章 走進馬廄






JILL ought to have been back at the white rock already but she had quite forgotten that part of her orders in the excitement of watching the fight. Now she remembered. She turned at once and ran to it,and arrived there barely a second before the others. It thus happened that all of them,for a moment,had their backs to the enemy. They all wheeled round the moment they had reached it. A terrible sight met their eyes.
A Calormene was running towards the stable door carrying something that kicked and struggled. As he came between them and the fire they could see clearly both the shape of the man and the shape of what he carried. It was Eustace.
Tirian and the Unicorn rushed out to rescue him. But the Calormene was now far nearer to the door then they. Before they had covered half the distance he had flung Eustace in and shut the door on him. Half a dozen more Calormenes had run up behind him. They formed a line on the open space before the stable. There was no getting at it now.
Even then Jill remembered to keep her face turned aside,well away from her bow.“Even if I can’t stop blubbing,I won’t get my string wet,”she said.
“‘Ware arrows,”said Poggin suddenly.
Everyone ducked and pulled his helmet well over his
nose. The Dogs crouched behind. But though a few arrows came their way it soon became clear that they were not being shot at. Griffle and his Dwarfs were at their archery again. This time they were coolly shooting at the Calormenes.
“Keep it up,boys!”came Griffle’s voice.“All together. Carefully. We don’t want Darkies any more than we want Monkeys-or Lions-or Kings. The Dwarfs are for the Dwarfs.”
Whatever else you may say about Dwarfs,no one can say they aren’t brave. They could easily have got away to some safe place. They preferred to stay and kill as many of both sides as they could,except when both sides were kind enough to save them trouble by killing one another. They wanted Narnia for their own.
What perhaps they had not taken into account was that the Calormenes were mail-clad and the Horses had had no protection. Also the Calormenes had a leader. Rishda Tarkaan’s voice cried out:
“Thirty of you keep watch on those fools by the white rock. The rest,after me,that we may teach these sons of earth a lesson.”
Tirian and his friends,still panting from their fight and thankful for a few minutes’ rest,stood and looked on while the Tarkaan led his men against the Dwarfs. It was a strange scene by now. The fire had sunk lower:the light it gave was now less and of a darker red. As far as one could see,the whole place of assembly was now empty except for the Dwarf and the Calormenes. In that light one couldn’t make out much of what was happening. It sounded as if the Dwarfs were putting up a good fight. Tirian could hear Griffle using dreadful language,and every now and then the Tarkaan calling,“Take all you can alive! Take them alive!”
Whatever that fight may have been like,it did not last long. The noise of it died away. Then Jill saw the Tarkaan coming back to the stable:eleven men followed him,dragging eleven bound Dwarfs. (Whether the others had all been killed,or whether some of them had got away,was never known.)
“Throw them into the shrine of Tash,”said Rishda Tarkaan.
And when the eleven Dwarfs,one after the other,had been flung or kicked into that dark doorway and the door had been shut again,he bowed low to the stable and said:
“These also are for thy burnt offering,Lord Tash.”
And all the Calormenes banged the flats of their swords on their shields and shouted,“Tash! Tash! The great god Tash! Inexorable Tash!”(There was no nonsense about“Tashlan”now.)
The little party by the white rock watched these doings and whispered to one another. They had found a trickle of water coming down the rock and all had drunk eagerly-Jill and Poggin and the King in their hands,while the four-footed ones lapped from the little pool which it had made at the foot of the stone. Such was their thirst that it seemed the most delicious drink they had ever had in their lives,and while they were drinking they were perfectly happy and could not think of anything else.
“I feel in my bones,”said Poggin,“that we shall all,one by one,pass through that dark door before morning. I can think of a hundred deaths I would rather have died.”
“It is indeed a grim door,”said Tirian.“It is more like a mouth.”
“Oh,can’t we do anything to stop it ? ”said Jill in a shaken voice.
“Nay,fair friend,”said Jewel,nosing her gently.“It may be for us the door to Aslan’s country and we shall sup at his table tonight.”
Rishda Tarkaan turned his back on the stable and walked slowly to a place in front of the white rock.
“Hearken,”he said.“If the Boar and the Dogs and the Unicorn will come over to me and put themselves in my mercy,their lives shall be spared. The Boar shall go to a cage in The Tisroc’s garden,the Dogs to The Tisroc’s kennels,and the Unicorn, when I have sawn his horn off,shall draw a cart. But the Eagle, the children,and he who was the King shall be offered to Tash this night.”
The only answer was growls.
“Get on,warriors,”said the Tarkaan.“Kill the beasts,but take the two-legged ones alive.”
And then the last battle of the last King of Narnia began.
What made it hopeless,even apart from the numbers of the enemy,was the spears. The Calormenes who had been with the Ape almost from the beginning had had no spears:that was because they had come into Narnia by ones and twos,pretending to be peaceful merchants,and of course they had carried no spears for a spear is not a thing you can hide. The new ones must have come in later,after the Ape was already strong and they could march openly. The spears made all the difference. With a long spear you can kill a boar before you are in reach of his tusks and a unicorn before you are in reach of his horn; if you are very quick and keep your head. And now the levelled spears were closing in on Tirian and his last friends. Next minute they were all fighting for their lives.
In a way it wasn’t quite so bad as you might think.When you are using every muscle to the full-ducking under a spear-point here,leaping over it there,lunging forward,drawing back, wheeling round-you haven’t much time to feel either frightened or sad. Tirian knew he could do nothing for the others now; they were all doomed together. He vaguely saw the Boar go down on one side of him,and Jewel fighting furiously on the other. Out of the corner of one eye he saw,but only just saw,a big Calormene pulling Jill away somewhere by her hair. But he hardly thought about any of these things. His only thought now was to sell his life as dearly as he could. The worst of it was that he couldn’t keep to the position in which he had started,under the white rock. A man who is fighting a dozen enemies at once must take his chances wherever he can; must dart in wherever he sees an enemy’s breast or neck unguarded. In a very few strokes this may get you quite a distance from the spot where you began. Tirian soon found that he was getting further and further to the right,nearer to the stable. He had a vague idea in his mind that there was some good reason for keeping away from it. But he couldn’t now remember what the reason was. And anyway,he couldn’t help it.
All at once everything came quite clear. He found he was fighting the Tarkaan himself. The bonfire (what was left of it) was straight in front. He was in fact fighting in the very doorway of the stable,for it had been opened and two Calormenes were holding the door,ready to slam it shut the moment he was inside. He remembered everything now,and he realized that the enemy had been edging him to the stable on purpose ever since the fight began. And while he was thinking this he was still fighting the Tarkaan as hard as he could.
A new idea came into Tirian’s head. He dropped his sword, darted forward,in under the sweep of the Tarkaan’s scimitar, seized his enemy by the belt with both hands,and jumped back into the stable,shouting:
“Come in and meet Tash yourself!”
There was a deafening noise. As when the Ape had been flung in,the earth shook and there was a blinding light.
The Calormene soldiers outside screamed.“Tash,Tash!”and banged the door. If Tash wanted their own Captain,Tash must have him. They,at any rate,did not want to meet Tash.
For a moment or two Tirian did not know where he was or
even who he was. Then he steadied himself,blinked,and looked around. It was not dark inside the stable,as he had expected. He was in strong light:that was why he was blinking.
He turned to look at Rishda Tarkaan,but Rishda was not looking at him. Rishda gave a great wail and pointed; then he put his hands before his face and fell flat,face downwards,on the ground. Tirian looked in the direction where the Tarkaan had pointed. And then he understood.
A terrible figure was coming towards them. It was far smaller than the shape they had seen from the Tower,though still much bigger than a man,and it was the same. It had a vulture’s head and four arms. Its beak was open and its eyes blazed. A croaking voice came from its beak.
“Thou hast called me into Narnia,Rishda Tarkaan. Here I am. What hast thou to say ?”
But the Tarkaan neither lifted his face from the ground nor said a word. He was shaking like a man with a bad hiccup. He was brave enough in battle:but half his courage had left him earlier that night when he first began to suspect that there might be a real Tash. The rest of it had left him now.
With a sudden jerk-like a hen stooping to pick up a worm- Tash pounced on the miserable Rishda and tucked him under the upper of his two right arms. Then Tash turned his head sidewise to fix Tirian with one of his terrible eyes:for of course,having a bird’s head,he couldn’t look at you straight.
But immediately,from behind Tash,strong and calm as the summer sea,a voice said:
“Begone,Monster,and take your lawful prey to your own place:in the name of Aslan and Aslan’s great Father the Emperor-over-the-Sea.”
The hideous creature vanished,with the Tarkaan still under its arm. And Tirian turned to see who had spoken.And what he saw then set his heart beating as it had never beaten in any fight.
Seven Kings and Queens stood before him,all with crowns on their heads and all in glittering clothes,but the Kings wore fine mail as well and had their swords drawn in their hands. Tirian bowed courteously and was about to speak when the youngest of the Queens laughed. He stared hard at her face,and then gasped with amazement,for he knew her. It was Jill:but not Jill as he had last seen her,with her face all dirt and tears and an old drill dress half slipping off one shoulder. Now she looked cool and fresh,as fresh as if she had just come from bathing. And at first he thought she looked older,but then didn’t,and he could never make up his mind on that point. And then he saw that the youngest of the Kings was Eustace:but he also was changed as Jill was changed.
Tirian suddenly felt awkward about coming among these people with the blood and dust and sweat of a battle still on him. Next moment he realized that he was not in that state at all. He was fresh and cool and clean,and dressed in such clothes as he would have worn for a great feast at Cair Paravel. (But in Narnia your good clothes were never your uncomfortable ones. They knew how to make things that felt beautiful as well as looking beautiful in Narnia:and there was no such thing as starch or flannel or elastic to be found from one end of the country to the other.)
“Sire,”said Jill coming forward and making a beautiful curtsey,“let me make you known to Peter the High King over all Kings in Narnia.”
Tirian had no need to ask which was the High King,for he remembered his face (though here it was far nobler) from his dream. He stepped forward,sank on one knee and kissed Peter’s hand.
“High King,”he said.“You are welcome to me.”
And the High King raised him and kissed him on both cheeks as a High King should. Then he led him to the eldest of the Queens-but even she was not old,and there were no grey hairs on her head and no wrinkles on her cheek-and said,“Sir,this is that Lady Polly who came into Narnia on the First Day,when Aslan made the trees grow and the Beasts talk.”He brought him next to a man whose golden beard flowed over his breast and whose face was full of wisdom.“And this,”he said,“is the Lord Digory who was with her on that day. And this is my brother,King Edmund:and this my sister,the Queen Lucy.”
“Sir,”said Tirian,when he had greeted all these.“If I have read the chronicle aright,there should be another. Has not your Majesty two sisters ? Where is Queen Susan ?”
“My sister Susan,”answered Peter shortly and gravely,“is no longer a friend of Narnia.”
“Yes,”said Eustace,“and whenever you’ve tried to get her to come and talk about Narnia or do anything about Narnia,she says,‘What wonderful memories you have! Fancy your still thinking about all those funny games we used to play when we were children.’”
“Oh Susan!”said Jill.“She’s interested in nothing nowadays except nylons and lipstick and invitations. She always was a jolly sight too keen on being grown-up.”
“Grown-up,indeed,”said the Lady Polly.“I wish she would grow up. She wasted all her school time wanting to be the age she is now,and she’ll waste all the rest of her life trying to stay that age. Her whole idea is to race on to the silliest time of one’s life as quick as she can and then stop there as long as she can.”
“Well,don’t let’s talk about that now,”said Peter.“Look! Here are lovely fruit-trees. Let us taste them.”
And then,for the first time,Tirian looked about him and realized how very queer this adventure was.

第十二章 走進馬廄

姬爾原本立刻趕到白石頭那去的,可是出于興奮、激動和緊張, 她完全忘記這個命令。被國王一提醒,她趕緊轉(zhuǎn)身向白石頭跑去。幸虧還不太晚,其他的人幾乎和她一起同時趕到了。由于撤退,他們都背對著敵人,沒有辦法看清楚后面的情況。等他們轉(zhuǎn)過身去后,才發(fā)現(xiàn)了可怕的事實:
姬爾轉(zhuǎn)過臉去偷偷哭了, “雖然忍不住哭泣,但是我絕對不沾濕弓弦。”她說。
不過小矮人恐怕沒有想到這一點:卡樂門士兵身上有鎧甲保護, 馬兒卻沒有。而且卡樂門士兵們還有個指揮作戰(zhàn)的首領(lǐng)。利什達正在大聲喊叫道:
蒂里安和他的朋友們,一直都沒有喘息的機會,這下倒好了, 總算可以稍稍松口氣,得到片刻的休息。泰坎帶著人馬向小矮人們發(fā)起攻擊時,他們只需要在一旁觀戰(zhàn)。眼前的景象發(fā)生了奇怪的變化。篝火的火焰降低了,變成了暗紅色,亮度減弱。在微弱的光線下,很難看清楚周圍的一切,人們只知道,集會之地變得空蕩蕩的,除了對峙中的小矮人和卡樂門士兵,一個旁人也沒有。從聲音判斷,小矮人們正和卡樂門人搏命。蒂里安聽見格里夫爾大聲罵著臟話,泰坎也不時高喊道:“盡全力,活捉他們!活捉他們!”
十一個小矮人很快一個接一個扔進或踢進馬廄中,門又被關(guān)上了。接著,他在馬廄前,恭敬地鞠躬說道:“這些也是獻給您的祭品, 偉大的塔什神。”
所有卡樂門士兵瘋狂地用刀背砰砰砰敲打在盾牌上,齊聲大喊: “塔什!塔什!偉大的塔什神!無堅不摧的塔什神!”如今他們再也不叫他“塔什蘭”了。
“我確信,”波金說,“我們每一個人,都會一個接一個地, 被扔進那個黑暗之門的。我不愿那樣死去。其他死法,哪樣都比這個好。”
這些卡樂門人都是后來的,那時無尾猿已經(jīng)掌控了局面,卡樂門人便可大搖大擺公開行軍。畢竟只要他們動作敏捷,頭腦鎮(zhèn)靜, 手中握著長矛,就連野豬和獨角獸也都不怕了。在他們夠著你之前, 完全可以用長矛把他們刺死?,F(xiàn)在,無數(shù)根長矛正同時向蒂里安和他最后的朋友們緊逼過來,他們即將和敵人展開殊死搏斗。
當你全神貫注充分調(diào)動全身肌肉低頭躲避矛尖,跳起來越過它, 忽前忽后,忽左忽右,可能還需要急轉(zhuǎn)身,就沒時間去驚惶或傷心了。蒂里安非常清楚,面對這些人,他們已經(jīng)無能為力了,所有人在劫難逃。他模模糊糊看到野豬倒在他身邊,珍寶還在另一邊英勇搏斗。從另一邊,他勉強看見,一個大個子卡樂門士兵正揪著姬爾的頭發(fā), 不知道把她拉到哪里去了。他很難去思考,也不容他思考了,他現(xiàn)在想做和能做的事就是殺死更多的人,為自己陪葬。

最糟糕的是他已經(jīng)沒辦法守在最初選定的白石頭那里了。當一個人同時與十幾個敵人搏斗的時候,只能隨機應變,抓住每一次機會:只要看到敵人露出的胸膛或脖子,他就一定會沖過去。必須要很多次, 他就會離開原地,越跑越遠。蒂里安發(fā)現(xiàn)正一路向右,往馬廄方向靠近。原本在他腦子里一直有個朦朧的感覺:應該遠離馬廄。可是,現(xiàn)在他已經(jīng)差不多忘記了。而且,就算他記得住,現(xiàn)在他也無可奈何了。
跟無尾猿被扔進去時一樣,響起了震耳欲聾的聲音,大地顫抖著, 一道令人炫目的光芒射出來。
門外卡樂門士兵大喊著,“塔什,塔什!”只聽見“砰”的一聲, 門合上了。如果塔什神需要隊長,肯定會把他留下來。而他們,不管怎么說,是絕對不想跟塔什神見面的。
他有個禿鷲的頭和四個胳膊。雖說他的體型看起來比想象中的要小得多,但還是比一個成年人高大得多。它的眼睛里怒火熊熊,尖尖的嘴巴張開著,話音嘶?。?br /> “你曾經(jīng)呼喚我,要我到納尼亞來,利什達。現(xiàn)在我來了,你想跟我說什么呢?”
然而,那個利什達沒有抬頭,甚至連一句話也沒說。他渾身顫抖, 猶如得了惡性嗝癥的患者。搏斗的時候,他是很勇敢;可是在之前, 他從內(nèi)心開始懷疑真正的塔什的確存在時,他已經(jīng)丟掉了一半的勇氣,現(xiàn)在,剩余的那一半勇氣也早都消失了。
塔什猛地身子一擰,好像一只母雞俯身啄蟲子那樣撲到可憐的利什達身上,一把提起挾在了左邊兩條胳膊下。接著,塔什側(cè)過臉, 一只眼睛緊緊盯住蒂里安:它長了個鳥頭,當然沒辦法筆直地看人了。
然而,塔什身后突然響起一個洪亮平靜的聲音,如同夏日的海濤, 他說:
“回去吧,妖怪,以阿斯蘭和阿斯蘭偉大的父王海外皇帝之名, 命令你,帶著屬于你的祭品,回你自己的地方去。”
蒂里安突然有些尷尬:為自己身上因為廝殺留下來的血汗和灰塵。但是很快,他發(fā)現(xiàn)根本不必如此,因為他現(xiàn)在也是潔凈的、優(yōu)雅的, 穿的還是他在凱爾帕拉維爾赴宴時才穿的美服。
至尊王把他扶起來,照規(guī)矩親吻他的雙頰。接著,至尊王又給他引見了最年長的女王。雖然她的年紀一點也不大,既沒有白頭發(fā), 也沒長皺紋。他說:
“殿下,這位是波莉夫人,在阿斯蘭賜予樹木生長和野獸語言的第一天,她就來到納尼亞了。”接著,至尊王還帶他覲見了一個男人, 長長的金色的胡須垂在他的胸前,滿臉智慧。“這位是,”他介紹道, “迪格雷勛爵,他和波莉夫人是一起到納尼亞來的。這是我的弟弟, 愛德蒙國王,這是我妹妹,露茜女王。”
“是的,”尤斯塔斯接道,“不論何時,只要你跟她談納尼亞, 或請她為納尼亞做些事兒,她總是說:‘你們的記憶可真神奇!真沒想到你們居然還想著我們小時候玩的那些好玩游戲。’”
“成人,是的,”波莉夫人說道,“我倒希望她快點成人。她已經(jīng)浪費了過去所有在學校的時間,一心想要變成現(xiàn)在的年紀,現(xiàn)在她又竭盡全力希望阻止時光的流逝,而希望永遠停留在現(xiàn)在的年紀, 簡直是對她人生的浪費。她一心只想著這件事。”


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