1. meeting etiquette 開會禮儀
2. multinational company 外企
3. Your manager will expect something from you at the meeting. 你的上司在開會期間會希望從你這個得到些反饋。
4. launch a product 發(fā)布新產品
5. call a meeting 召開會議
6. daily/weekly meeting 每日/每周例會
7. stand-up/standing meeting 站著開的會議
8. Because it's quicker, like if everyone is standing, no one will talk too much. 這樣快一點啊,比如大家都站著,就沒有人廢話連篇了。
9. get to the point 直奔主題
10. scrum (usually used in technology companies) 項目例會
11. Before the Meeting 會議開始前: Prepare for It (Prep Work) 準備工作
Agenda 會議議程
Presentation 專題演講
Handouts 講義
12. If you call a meeting, then you have to send out the agenda, but also make sure you don't invite people that don't need to come to the meeting. 如果你要召開會議,是要把會議議程發(fā)出去,還要確保你不要請不需要參加會議的人來。
13. In the Meeting 會議期間:
Take notes 記些筆記
Look serious 嚴肅對待
14. Never answer your cell phone during the meeting. That's not respectful to the other people in the meeting.
15. Only a true emergency should require answering the phone, like your wife is having a baby, or someone is dying.
16. Before the meeting you should have turned off your cell phone ringer. But also you don't want it to be viberating, because often everyone can hear that. You should turn that off too.
17. Don't suddenly leave the meeting for bathroom breaks. 不要開會開到一半忽然去上廁所。
18. If you're going to a meeting, and it's an important meeting, your boss is there or your manager is there, plan not to leave the meeting until the end. 如果你去參加一個重要的會議,你的老板或是上司在場,你就準備好到會議結束再離開吧。
19. We're adults; we can control that. 我們是成年人了,可以控制住的。
20. diarrhea 拉肚子
21. After the Meeting 會議結束后:
Send a summary, if you called the meeting, including action items. (如果你是召開會議的人)發(fā)一份總結,包括行動項目