Innovo在中國設立的分公司的市場范圍包括Asia(亞洲),Asia-Pacific area(亞太地區(qū)),Australia(澳洲)和South America(南美洲)。根據(jù)地域差異和市場形勢,亞洲地區(qū)還被具體地分成東南亞、東亞、西亞和中亞四個市場。東亞這一部分是Innovo目前在亞洲區(qū)的最大市場。而東南亞市場卻還是a land to be explored(一個尚待開發(fā)的領域),雖然之前Frank和他的前任也曾做過多次嘗試,但由于各種原因,效果并不令人滿意。Nancy擔任Marketing Department Director之后,公司的領導層決定讓她先去啃這塊難啃的骨頭。Nancy明白,這是公司在考驗她的能力,所以無論將面對多大的困難,她這“新官”的第一把火一定得燒起來。
Nancy認為,如果要打入并占領一個相對不成熟的市場,借助distributor(分銷商)的network(網(wǎng)絡)和influence(影響力)是最有效的方式。但是要找到合適的distributor卻不是一件容易的事情。首先要確定和保證對方的experience and quality(經(jīng)驗和資質)能夠幫助企業(yè)打開市場,還要充分了解自己的企業(yè)情況和產品信息,并且有濃厚的興趣為這些產品做distribution(分銷),從而實現(xiàn)win-win(雙贏)。
為了確保這個計劃順利地實施,Nancy認真地研究了一下到底什么是分銷模式和分銷渠道,她詢問了有豐富經(jīng)驗的同事,對方告訴她,distribution是營銷的一種方式,它需要借助go-betweens(中間人)幫助實現(xiàn)產品順利到達消費者的過程。這個營銷過程也叫distribution chain(分銷鏈)或distribution channel(分銷渠道)。
A Number of Alternate 'Channels' of Distribution May Be Available
Distributor, who sells to retailers.
Retailer (also called dealer or reseller), who sells to end customers.
Advertisement typically used for consumption goods.
而Innovo這次要尋找的distributor就是能夠完成sells to retailers的中間商。
Nancy和Marketing Department的team members仔細針對東南亞市場做了一次深入的research(調研)。在經(jīng)過了前期細致的篩選之后,就開始和幾家有實力并有合作前景的distributor進行溝通。
經(jīng)過十幾次的信件傳真往來,終于與一家新加坡的軟件經(jīng)銷商有了合作的意向。Nancy緊接著邀請對方代表來北京參觀公司并見面商談,對方也答應了。為了拿下這個potential customer,Nancy做了充分的準備,并且還為對方安排了緊湊的參觀行程,訂了hotel和restaurant。她還特意醞釀了如何向對方表達合作的熱情,力求達到最佳效果。Nancy覺得她的寒暄應該包括:
Greet the distributor.
Show interest and eagerness of cooperation.
Inform the distributor about negotiation procedure.
Suggest business tour and invite him to dinner.
因為天氣的原因,新加坡經(jīng)銷商的飛機晚點了,Nancy的助理在機場足足等了四個小時,終于接到了人。經(jīng)銷商一到公司,Nancy趕快去迎接:“Good afternoon, Mr. Cheung. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I'm Nancy Cui from Marketing Department of Innovo. I hope you had a pleasant flight. Please take a seat.”
As you know, our company is looking to find a new opportunity in South-East Asia. What we need to get our foot in the door is a reliable distributor with good reputation. We are trying to set up a distribution channel with chain of intermediaries, each passing the product down the chain to the next level, before it finally reaches the consumer or end-user. To be honest, it would be quite a head start for us if we could secure a deal with a good distributor like you.
I'll be responsible for the first round of negotiations here in Beijing. I hope that we can make some definite headway during your stay in Beijing. As the stakes get higher, so to speak, our VP, Mr. Timberland, will join us at the bargaining table. I hope that we can have a very good cooperation. Now, if you like, I can show you around our company. You are invited to dinner afterwards.
接著,Nancy帶著這位新加坡經(jīng)銷商參觀了公司,之后又邀請他共進晚餐。因為有著相似的飲食習慣和禮儀習俗,接待亞洲客戶還是相對less challenging(挑戰(zhàn)較?。?。分銷商對今天的reception(接待)非常滿意,流露出進一步合作的意愿。
distributor 分銷商
influence 影響力
win-win 雙贏
distribution 分銷
go-between 中間方
consumption 消費
channel 渠道
intermediary 中介,媒介
distribution chain 分銷鏈
take into account 考慮到,包括在內
retailer 零售商
eagerness 急切,渴望
research 調研
negotiation 談判,洽談
potential customer 潛在客戶
be looking to 期待,計劃
get one's foot in the door 開始涉足于
reliable 可靠的
good reputation 良好聲譽
head start 搶得先機
secure a deal 做成一筆生意
first round of negotiation 第一輪談判
headway 進展
bargaining table 談判桌
1. 新官上任三把火,需要展示能力的時候要勇于接受挑戰(zhàn),這樣才能在業(yè)務上有新的突破。
2. 選擇有效的營銷渠道對拓展市場而言至關重要,前期的篩查工作量會很大,但卻絲毫不可馬虎。
3. 一旦選定合適的分銷商,就要及時表達合作的誠意,并迅速采取行動贏得對方的信任。
4. 真誠邀請對方進行face-to-face的面談會比郵件和電話溝通更直接有效。
5. 見面后的熱情寒暄也大有學問,要適當贊美對方的聲譽和優(yōu)勢,表示對對方的信任。
6. 適時介紹相關程序和自己公司的相關負責人,讓對方有所準備,也知道遇到問題時該去找誰反映。