Kind of half hoping this river would be full of salmon heading upstream to spawn. 有點(diǎn)希望這條河中 能有很多要溯洄產(chǎn)卵的鮭魚
Cause when they're running,this whole river would just be teeming. 因為它們一游動起來 這條河中可就美食多多了
They're racing up through the whitewater.The bears just pluck them up. 他們在激流中急速游竄 熊一把抓住它們
But not today,which means I need another way of finding something to eat. 但是今天不湊巧 我得另想一個辦法 來找些吃的
And there might be other food sources nearby.The terrain is flattening out here,which means I'm nearing the coast. 附近應(yīng)該會有其他可以吃的東西 這里的地形變得很平坦 這就意味著我快接近河岸了
Well, this is the point where all that glacial water runs down the river and then hits the coast. 在這里 冰川融水順著河流至此處 并沖擊河岸
This is good news.And, look, you see it's tidal here. 這是個好消息 看 這里有潮汐
Look across it, you can see the actual seaweed on the high-tide mark over there. 看對岸 你能看到 高水位線那里有水草
What I want to do is now follow this coastline and see where I get to. Come on, then. 我想做的是順著河岸線走 去看看我能找到些什么 走吧
Alaska has more shoreline than all the other US states combined, 阿拉斯加有很長的海岸線 比美國其他州海岸線的總和還長
around 40,000 miles of it,so this could be a long walk. 大約有4萬英里 所以我得走很長時間
But there should be plenty of opportunities to find some seafood. 但是也有更多機(jī)會找到一些海味
There are loads of these limpets here.See these guys?Little shells stuck to the rock. 這兒有很多帽貝 看到?jīng)] 小帽貝吸附在巖石上
You can actually eat these raw.All you've got to do is knock them off. 完全可以放心地生吃 你要做的就是找塊石頭把它們敲下來
And what they do, they stick to the rock at low tide,and when the tide's in, 它們在退潮的時候吸附在巖石上 然后在漲潮的時候
they move around and they graze off all the algae. 它們趁勢移動饞食各種藻類