Here you go, some larvae I've knocked off there.Good just to pick up and eat. 拼命咬我 看 把蟻卵甩下來 再撿起來吃掉
Pound for pound,the larvae contain more protein than beef.Grab a load. 一磅蟻卵 所含蛋白質(zhì)比一磅牛肉的還高 再來一口
But I'd have to gather hundreds of them,and that would mean being eaten alive. 但生吞幾百團卵 才能湊夠一磅
It's not worth persevering with this one. 太麻煩了 半飽足矣
Okay, that'll do me. I'm out of here.Ahead of me, the ground starts to rise sharply. 吃夠了 走 前方山坡很是陡峭
The jungle just tends to be riddled with these sort of gorges. 叢林里這種溪谷特別多
Now, they block your path,and trying to find a way across them is always a challenge. 很礙事 總是擋路 想要凌空過河 很不容易
It's just sheer walls there and a lot of white water, as well. 看那峭壁 下面急流白浪的
Getting across this could save hours of traversing through thick, overgrown jungle. 如果能夠過河 就不用在林中摸索幾小時了
This is definitely, definitely an option.Have a look at this fella. 爬樹倒是不錯 上來看看
See, this tree probably goes at least halfway across the gorge, 看 這棵樹幾乎橫跨兩岸
but there's a long way down that and onto rocks if something going wrong.Big branch reached across. 不過這特別高 下面是急流巖石 掉下去就慘了 有根粗枝橫架著
How strong that is, I don't know,but I'm normally getting better than this.Okay, let's try this. 不知道夠不夠堅韌 真是環(huán)境兇險 行 來吧