If the apple seeds are planted, they will grow into apple-trees. But this will take several years. A much quicker way of growing apple-trees is to take slips or cuttings from old trees and plant them in the ground.
To what other plants is the apple-tree related? It belongs to the rose family. The wild rose, the hawthorn of our hedges, the pear-tree, the plum, the cherry, the strawberry, and the blackberry, are all cousins of the apple-tree. If you examine well the flowers of each of these plants, you will find that they are all very much alike in form, although some of them are much smaller than others.
There are a great many different sorts of apples. Some of these are best for cooking, while others are best for eating raw. Then there are the cider-apples of Hereford and Devon, from the juice of which the drink called cider is made.
Apples that have been cooked are much better for you than those that you eat raw, so I hope that you will have most of your apples made into apple-pies.
When you eat raw apples, you should not eat the skin, or the core, or the seeds, for these parts of the apple are not good for you.