Let us put some bits of roll sulphur in an iron spoon, and hold the spoon over a clear fire. The sulphur soon melts into a clear yellow liquid. If we let this melted sulphur get hotter, it will become thick, and nearly black in colour.
With more heat still, the sulphur will become thin again; and if we then pour it into cold water, it will change into a soft brown mass almost like india-rubber. After a few days, this will become hard and yellow again. If the sulphur is made very hot indeed, it will turn into yellow sulphur vapour.
Sulphur is a mineral. It is found near volcanoes, and must have been brought up by them from a very great depth. It is also found in the earth joined with other elements, in the form of stony masses called ores.
But sulphur is not a metal. It has qualities very different from those of the metals. A metal conducts heat well. If you put one end of a metal rod into the fire, the other end soon grows hot also. But sulphur conducts heat very badly.
Metals have also a lustrous or shining surface, but sulphur has no lustre. For these reasons sulphur is said to be a non-metal—that is, an element which is not a metal.