with an offering of dried flowers, which he begged them to lay upon her breast.
He told them of his dream again, and that it was of her being restored to them, just as she used to be.
He begged hard to see her: saying, that he would be very quiet, and that they need not fear his being alarmed,
for he had sat alone by his young brother all day long, when he was dead, and had felt glad to be so near him.
They let him have his wish; and, indeed, he kept his word, and was, in his childish way, a lesson to them all.
Up to that time, the old man had not spoken once, except to her, or stirred from the bedside.
But, when he saw her little favorite, he was moved as they had not seen him yet, and made as though he would have him come nearer.
Then, pointing to the bed, he burst into tears for the first time,
and they who stood by, knowing that the sight of this child had done him good, left them alone together.
Soothing him with his artless talk of her, the child persuaded him to take some rest, to walk abroad, to do almost as he desired him.
And, when the day came, on which they must remove her, in her earthly shape, from earthly eyes forever,
he led him away, that he might not know when she was taken from him.