Number 8 - Baby Dream
A baby in a dream symbolizes the start of something new. It could be anything, such as a new idea, or a new creative project. This dream indicates new possibilities and potential for growth in multiple areas of your life.
Number 9 - Being Late in a Dream
Being late in a dream indicates that you're losing an important opportunity in your real life. You're overwhelmed and live with too much stress. You need to slow down and find more time for yourself.
Number 10 - Sex in a Dream
In most cases, sex in a dream is not about a physical union. It's about a psychological union you need or want with the person in your dream. Or, merging a particular quality that person has into your own personality.
Number 11 - Cheating Partner Dream
As upsetting as this dream can be, it rarely indicates that your partner is cheating. Instead, it suggests that something rather than someone is taking the time and attention from your mate that you feel you deserve. You may be dealing with trust issues.
Number 12 - Unable To Find a Toilet Dream
This dream represents that there's an issue in your waking life, where you're finding it challenging to express your own needs. It's time to spend more time looking after your own needs, rather than the needs of others.
Number 13 - Water Dream
A calm body of water reflects inner peace and positive expectations, while a choppy ocean can suggest unease and even worries about the future.
Number 14 - Out of Control Vehicle Dream
A dream where your vehicle is out of control, means that you've lost control of something in your waking life. So, ask yourself what in your life has gotten out of hand lately.
Number 15 - Roads in a Dream
Dreaming about roads represents your direction in life. This particular dream may suggest that perhaps it's time to question your current life path.
Do you ever experience having any of these dreams? What do they represent to you?