It is not a recipe for recklessness, rather a recipe to give your all today. To give your very best today. In everything you do. To give your greatest energy to this day. To your family, to everyone you encounter today.
It is a reminder for you to leave your best self in each moment. What if they couldn't speak to you tomorrow? What if you were gone tomorrow? What would they speak of you? What can you do that will leave a lasting positive memory in the lives of everyone you come into contact with?
It is about being light hearted. Knowing, that in the end, none of this stuff matters. The only thing that ever matters is how you made others feel and how you felt in your own heart.
It is about the knowing that things can never go with you in the end. The spirit lives on, but the 'things', they die with your physical body.
Remembering that we are going to die is the greatest reminder we can have in our daily lives, because it keeps us focused on what's really important, and what is real.