Don't count the cost. You don't count the cost on this one. You don't count how many breaths you take. You don't count it. You get to a point where you don't count it. You just do whatever it takes to get whatever you want. Don't stop. Stay busy. Work your plan. Continue to do those things that you know that work for you, after you have evaluated yourself in the situation. Once you make a decision you go all in. And you say ain't quit until I get there. Ain't given up. Ain't given in. I will do whatever it takes to be successful.
And when you make that decision, you, when you look in the mirror, when you tell yourself that, look, I'm through. I'll do whatever it takes. I guarantee you that's the day it begins to happen. Forget about your past. Forget about what happened back in the day. Make the rest of your life the best of your life. Do you gotta embrace the faith. Dou got to believe in everything that's happening right now. If you keep pressing, you keep pushing forward, guess what, one day it's gonna be your day.
That's right. I need you to say that with me. One day, it's gonna be your day. Embrace faith. You got to be able to see it and believe it when there's no evidence around you, when there is no evidence to be found, when you have pain in your life, when you are tired, when you feel like you want to give up and you feel like you need to quit, when you look around you you don't see anything that looks anything like success. You got to embrace the faith and believe that one day it's gonna be your day.
But that day will never come if you give up. If you quit, no day will ever be your day. I want you to fail forward. That's right. You heard me. I said you've got to fail forward. I want you to get to the place in your life that every single mistake you make, every setback that comes your way, every obstacle that you don't overcome, every barrier you don't climb, that these don't make you give up. But I want you to fail forward. You've got to learn from your mistakes that every mistake you make, you've failed that class you get back you try again, you lose a job, you get back, you try again, you put all your money in an investment, say it with me, you get back and you try again.
If you started a business and it didn't work out, don't stop, don't quit. Fail forward. Learn from each one of your mistakes. Don't quit. Don't give up. Listen to me. Don't quit. Don't give up if it gets hard. You swim. You swim hard if you have to, but you keep going. I want you to know you'll never reach your goal, you'll never reach your dreams, if you don't use your imagination. So, if you fail that class, you don't drop it. If you fail that class, you keep going. You go back to that class and then you go back again. And you go back to that class again. And you go into that class because I want you to know something.
When you start that class over next semester, you won't be starting from scratch. You won't start from the bottom, because you are all the way up here. And now you have to go a little further. And a little further. So keep reaching. Keep climbing. And it starts with a vision. Fear is not real. The only place that fear can exist is in our thoughts of the future, is a product of our imagination, causing us to fear things that do not exist at present and may never actually exist. Fear is a choice. Only those who are willing to risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go.