Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our shopping center. I hope all of you can have a happy time here. Good news for you. There will be a show at half past ten this morning at the gate of our center. Then I'd like to introduce something about our floors. There are six floors in our center.
On the first floor, there is a supermarket. We prepare different kinds of foods there. On the second floor, we have shoes and bags. On the third and the fourth floors, you can buy women's clothes in different colors and sizes. Men's clothes are on the fifth floor. Today, we have a big sale. Most of them are between 20 percent and 80 percent off. If you need any help, please come to our office on the sixth floor. Enjoy your shopping. Have a nice day. Thank you!第一層有一個大超市。超市里售賣各種食物。第二層售賣各種鞋包。第三層和第四層可以買到各種顏色和各種尺寸的女裝。男裝在第五層。今天我們有一個大促銷活動。大部分商品都在八折到兩折之間。如果你需要幫助,可以來我們六樓的辦公室。祝大家購物愉快。謝謝!