很多小伙伴背了很多英語單詞,卻還是聽不懂外國人的對話,很大一部分原因是我們學的是書面用語,而對方說的是一些約定俗成的習語俗語,所以如果我們想要提升自己的口語水平,還是要注意英語俗語的積累。以下是聽力課堂小編整理的英語俗語:wet behind the ears的資料,希望你能有所收獲!
wet behind the ears
中文中形容一個尚不成熟、缺乏經(jīng)驗、少不更事的人常用“初出茅廬”,“乳臭未干”,英語中則說wet behind the ears。中文中的這兩種說法似乎都很易理解,但英語中用“耳朵后面是濕的”來表示不成熟、不老練,倒不知根據(jù)何在了。是否因為小娃娃的耳朵后面常 常是濕的呢?
He was new and wet behind the ears so he became the target of all those tricks of the other boys.
You are not the one to tell me what to do and what not to do. You’ve been here only three weeks and are still wet behind the ears.
It is true that you have been engaged in school learning in the past eighteen years. But once you step into society, you will find you are still wet behind the ears and there are many things you have got to learn yet.
以上就是英語俗語:wet behind the ears的全部資料,還等什么,趕快練起來吧!