Lesson 52 The west India islands
第五十二課 西印度群島
More than three hundred years ago, there stood near a small town on the coast of Spain an ancient convent. It still stands there, on a height above the sea, surrounded by a forest of pine trees.
A stranger, travelling on foot, with a little boy, one day stopped at the gate of the convent, and asked the porter to give him a little bread and water for his child.
Poor and friendless though he was, when he stood at the convent gate, he afterwards became one of the most famous of men. That stranger was the great Christopher Columbus; and the little boy was his son Diego.
Seven years afterwards, he was befriended by Isabella, Queen of Spain; and, on the 3rd of August 1492, Columbus set sail from Spain with three small ships, on the great voyage which ended in the discovery of America.
He wanted to find out a new way to India. He believed that the world was round, though few people knew it at that time. Columbus was not aware that there was such a country as America. He thought that if he sailed on and on, always keeping to the west he would at last come to India.
Look at the Map of the World, and you will see that, if there had been no such country as America, he would have been right. At that time, no one in Europe knew anything about America. So Columbus sailed into what was then an unknown sea. Many thought that he would never come back. On and on he went with his ships, not knowing where he was going!
For a long time there was no sign of land— nothing but the wide waters all around him. Day after day, and night after night passed by. The men who were with him became alarmed, and tried to compel him to return. But he held bravely on his course, and would not turn back. At last the great Atlantic Ocean was crossed, and the ships came in sight of one of the West India Islands.