down-y sau-cy watched
flapped snatch-es wheat
1. Three little chicks, so downy 〔1〕 and neat,
Went out in search of something to eat,
"Ter-wit, ter-weet!
Something to eat!"
And soon they picked up a straw of wheat.
2. Said one little chick, "That belongs to me!"
Said the other wee chick, "We'll see, we'll see!"
"Ter-wit, ter-weet!
It is nice and sweet."
Said number three, "Let us share the treat!"
3. One little chick seized the straw in his bill,
And was making ready to eat his fill,
When the other chick
Stepped up so quick,
He had no chance a grain to pick.
4. They pulled, they tugged, these downy things;
Oh! how they flapped their baby wings!
"Ter-wit, ter-weet!
Something to eat!"
"Let go!" "It's mine! This ear of wheat!"
5. Fierce and strong the battle grew;
At last the straw broke right in two,
And the little chicks
Were in a fix,
And sorry enough for their greedy tricks.
6. For a saucy 〔2〕 crow had watched the fight.
He laughs, "Haw, haw! It serves you right!"
As he snatches 〔3〕 the prize,
From before their eyes.
And over the hills and away he flies.
〔1〕 downy: Covered with down—that is, with very soft, short feathers.
〔2〕 saucy: Bold.
〔3〕 snatches: Seizes quickly.