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【演講者及介紹】Jane Fonda





Pat Mitchell: It's so great to see you, myfriend.



Jane Fonda: Hi Pat. It's great to be withyou.



PM: Jane, for the ones who may not haveseen the extraordinary coverage around the world of Fire Drill Fridays and theimpact that they have already had, talk to us about the origin of this idea,this particular response to the climate crisis.



JF: I was very inspired by Greta Thunberg,the Swedish student, and by the young school climate strikers. Greta says we'vegot to get out of our comfort zone. We have to behave like our house isburning, because it is. And so she really struck a chord in me. And then,learning that just about 100 percent of climate scientists agree. They agreethat a drastic emergency is upon us, that it is human-caused. But they said wecan do something about it. We have the time, the technology, the tools. We haveeverything we need except political will to meet the challenge, and it's anenormous challenge. We have 11 years, many say, a decade, and I thought,"Oh, I'm so lucky that I am healthy and living in a decade where we whoare alive can actually make the difference. We can make the difference as towhether there's going to be a livable future or not. What a gloriousresponsibility we have. We have to step up to the plate."

簡(jiǎn):我受到了一位瑞典的學(xué)生,格蕾塔·通貝里,和一些年輕的氣候罷工者們的啟發(fā)。格雷塔說(shuō)我們要走出我們的舒適圈。我們需要像自己的房子著火了一樣行動(dòng)起來(lái)。因?yàn)槭聦?shí)就是如此。她的話引起了我的共鳴。我們知道百分之百的氣候科學(xué)家們都同意,我們正面臨一個(gè)人類造成的緊急危機(jī)。但是他們說(shuō),我們可以解決這個(gè)危機(jī),我們有時(shí)間,科技,和工具。我們有除了政治愿望的一切去面對(duì)挑戰(zhàn),這是一個(gè)無(wú)比巨大的挑戰(zhàn)。很多人說(shuō)我們有10 年左右的時(shí)間,我想:“在我們這些所有活著的人還能做出改變的十年,我還能健康地生活下去真是太幸運(yùn)了。我們可以做出改變,不論有沒(méi)有一個(gè)人類宜居的未來(lái)。我們肩上有著多么光榮的使命啊。我們必須開始行動(dòng)?!?


And when you're famous, there's a lot ofthings that you can do. You have a bigger platform. So I decided that, likeGreta, I was going to put my body on the line and move to the center ofAmerican power, Washington, DC, and have a rally every Friday like the studentsdo. And we work with the students. They speak at my rallies, and I speak attheir rallies. And then after we speak, we engage in civil disobedience andrisk getting arrested. Civil disobedience is a powerful tool that has changedhistory many times, both in the United States in the '60s during the civilrights movement, of course in India with Mahatma Gandhi. And I didn't know inthe beginning if it was going to work or not, but it's made me very happy tosee what's happening.



PM: It's also led to your being arrested --multiple times, actually, spending at least a night or two in Washington, DCjails. And while all of us, I think, recognize the emergency and the actionsthat you so kindly mentioned others have taken, I'm not sure that we would putour bodies at risk, our lives, our careers and our lives on hold, as you havedone. Do you have any concerns about that at this point?



JF: Well, I realize that not everybody canleave work and go and do what I'm doing. But I must say that requests arepouring in, not only from around the United States but from other countries,people who want to start Fire Drill Fridays. And the people who are coming andgetting arrested with me and engaging with civil disobedience, many of themhave never done it before, and they find it to be transformative. But the factis that there are so many things that people can do, starting with talkingabout it, expressing how you feel about it and talking about it, even when it'suncomfortable. At a holiday dinner table and maybe Uncle Bob doesn't agree,but, you know, maybe Uncle Bob is worried about his grandkids, maybe he lovesbirds. There's always a way in with people to get them to feel concerned aboutthe climate crisis. Of course, voting is very, very important, and we have tovote for the people that are the bravest, the boldest of our elected officials,because the task ahead of us -- all over the world, but certainly here in theUnited States -- we have to get rid of this current administration, and we haveto elect people that are really brave, that will step up --






and do the bold actions that are needed,the way Franklin Delano Roosevelt did during the 1930s, during the GreatDepression, when he really changed a great deal about American society. Andthat's what is needed now.



PM: So Jane, we should also explain,because many people who are here are thinking, what can they do? Can they cometo Washington and join you in this action? We should explain, not everyone whoparticipates in Fire Drill Fridays is under threat of being arrested. There areother parts of what you're doing, like you are currently in the Greenpeaceoffices in Washington. So explain what else is a part of Fire Drill Fridays andhow we could participate in civil disobedience without the risk of gettingarrested.



JF: First of all, you want to try not do anythingas a lone individual. You know, it's by our powers combined. There's strengthin numbers. There's also community in numbers, and one of the hardest thingsabout what we're facing now is: this is a collective crisis, coming at a timewhen the whole notion of the collective, of the commons, of the public sphere,is being eroded quite deliberately by neoliberalism and conservatism. And soreconnecting with groups of people, like-minded people in a common action, issolace to the soul. It gives you such strength. It's a great antidote todepression. So find out what organizations that are concerned about the climatecrisis are in your area. Of course, Greenpeace has chapters all around theworld. And even if you just start yourself, have house parties, invite peopleover to talk about what's happening. Find an article that you can all read anddiscuss together. Obviously, if there's a climate action where you live, try tojoin it. It's not necessary to engage in civil disobedience and risk gettingarrested, but it is going to become the new normal, I think. It feels like itis here in DC with Fire Drill Fridays. People seem to want to come back and doit again. My grandkids just got arrested last weekend. It was a transformativeexperience.






My fellow actor Sam Waterston, who is aself-described centrist, he had never spoken at a rally or risked getting arrested,and he was arrested with me. Last week, I see that he was arrested at theHarvard-Yale game. He sent me a picture of himself in handcuffs, saying,"Now look what you started!"






You know, we're at a point, I think, inthis crisis where people are looking to take the next step. They want to puttheir bodies on the line, as Greta Thunberg has exhorted us to do. And theyfind it very rewarding, and they want to do it again. So I think that this isgood, what we're doing. I met with the Senate [Climate Change Task Force] a fewweeks ago, and I asked the senators, "Is there something else we should bedoing? Should we be doing more?" And Senator Ed Markey said to me,"You're building an army. That's what we need. Make it bigger. We needpressure from the outside." And I think that's true all over the world.People need to be amassing armies for the climate, armies for the environment,in the streets, shutting down governments if necessary. I'm thinking of Brazilright now. You know, we can't allow the burning of our precious rainforests.



PM: And as you have done so many times inthe past, Jane, you are leading these changes. Eventually, one assumes,especially the fans of "Grace and Frankie," that you will go back toyour life and resume that program. But will Fire Drill Fridays continue?



JF: Well, there's been such an interest init, as I said, from all around the country, people asking if they can startone. And, you know, I have a lot of celebrity friends who haven't, forscheduling reasons, been able to come to DC, so we're thinking about maybedoing it in Los Angeles. But I just want to correct one thing: I'm not leading.It's the young people, it's the students that are leading. It's always theyoung people that step up with the courage, and it's pretty amazing, becausethey're risking a lot. It's pretty brave to take a Friday off from school. Youcould get bad grades. You could make your teachers mad. But they're doing itanyway. There have been millions of them at a time, all around the world. Andthey're saying, "Don't let us have to deal with this by ourselves. Wedidn't create this problem. Come and help us." So, Grandmas unite!









PM: And you are in a city that is probablymore divided than it has been in a very long time. The polarities that existthere and in many other places around the world have kept our collectivestrength from being unified and used, and in that way, you have been leadingus. What would success look like to you from Fire Drill Fridays?



JF: Well, I can just speak as a citizen ofthe United States. Success would look like every state stops all new fossilfuel expansion, because if they keep drilling and fracking and mining, theproblem will just get worse, so that no matter what we do with windmills andsolar collectors and so forth, we'll never be able to catch up. We have to stopall new expansion. The other thing is, they would phase out fossil fuelemissions gradually, making sure that the workers who would be impacted wouldbe retrained at union wages and get good new union jobs. There are going to beso many good jobs with the Green New Deal, building windmills and solarcollectors, retrofitting all the houses in this country, for example, laying anew energy grid. There's tens of millions of jobs waiting to be unleashed, andthat's the other thing that has gotten me mobilized.



A Green New Deal is a framework for how totake ourselves into the future in a way that's sustainable and equitable. Sothat just gives you such hope, because if we do it right, it's going to be a win-winfor everyone. And that has to be the case, or it won't work, because to makethis work, everybody's going to have to be involved. And in order for everybodyto be involved, they have to see something in it for themselves, and that'swhat a Green New Deal does.



PM: Jane, you, as always --






as you have done so many times in yourlife, you have taken risk, and you have stepped up to the front lines. Do youleave this experience with any new learning or a new level of commitment, hopeor optimism?



JF: Yeah, I am optimistic. People in thiscountry are really scared about the climate crisis, and they want to dosomething, but nobody has asked them. We just have to ask them. We have to getorganized, you know? And we can do that. So I feel very hopeful. I must saythat I am going to go back to work on "Grace and Frankie," but partof my heart is going to be with Fire Drill Fridays, and I hope I can continuewith that. I just think that we do have to build an army. This coming year isthe critical year. What happens is going to be so important. So we have to besure, especially someone who's healthy, who feels relatively young, who has aplatform -- we have to use it in every possible way we can. And if I didn'thave that, then I would find other little ways that I could do it: talk to myneighbors, talk to my friends, talk to my family, join an organization. That'show, also, as I've said, to stave off depression, is to do something active.



PM: Jane, at 81, you are modeling what thatcan be like for sure, and I think we just recruited a new army.






Thank you very much, my friend. Stay safe.Thank you for all that you have done for the planet and so much else.



JF: Thank you, Pat.



PM: Join me in thanking Jane.






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