【演講者及介紹】Dolores Huerta
Dolores Huerta是民權(quán)活動家,社區(qū)組織者,她的靈感來自于她對追求社會公正和公民權(quán)利的熱情。
翻譯者Alvin Lee 校對者Homer Li
I want to start out with quoting HelenKeller, that great woman that we all admire. And she had a statement that isvery profound, and this statement is that science has been able to find curesfor many evils, but never the greatest evil of all in human beings, and thatevil is apathy.
So, we know that apathy really costs us alot, especially in our democracy. And when we think of why people do not getinvolved, why they do not become activists, it's often that people are so worndown with their own familial responsibilities, and women especially.
You know, women, they have so manyinhibitions. Many of them have suffered so much trauma in their lives, so manyaggressions in their lives. And so it's very hard for them to realize that theyhave leadership capacities. That they can get out there, and they could changethe world. Another thing that many women -- we think that we have to doeverything. That we are the only ones responsible for our families, and it isso hard for us to delegate and just get others to help us do the duties that weare responsible for. We feel embarrassed or we feel guilty. But we know that wehave to make this happen, because if not, we will never have time to be able tovolunteer to help on these many causes that are now facing us. One of the areasthat women can give up a little bit of time and that is in shopping, OK?
And especially when we go out thereshopping for things that we don't even need.
You know, you never saw a hearse with aU-Haul behind it.
We have to live simply, so that others cansimply live. And when we think of the kind of inheritance that we want to leaveto our children or our grandchildren, think of leaving them a legacy ofjustice. This is a legacy that they can not only imitate, but they can be proudof for the rest of their lives. If we leave them a lot of material goods, allthey're going to do is fight, and they're going to hate each other. Justremember that, when we think about what we're doing.
The other thing that we have to do toliberate our women, eventually, so that we can do the kind of volunteer workthat we need to do to change this world, is we have to have a different kind ofan education for our young women. Unfortunately, in our societies around theworld, women are taught to be victims. Women are not taught that they are goingto have to defend themselves, that they're going to have to support themselvesand they have to protect themselves. Because, you know, when we actually lookat the animal kingdom, and we see who are the most ferocious, the male or thefemale? We know it's the female, right? So something went wrong with us at thetop of that animal kingdom as women.
So I want to give you an example of how Ifound my voice. And I was very fortunate in that, when I was 25 years old, Imet a gentleman named Fred Ross Sr., who organized a chapter of a group calledthe Community Service Organization in my hometown of Stockton, California. Thiswas a grassroots organization, and I was recruited to be a volunteer. So, oneday, while we were sitting in the office, a farm worker comes in. And he'sparalyzed, he can hardly walk, he has a crutch. And he needs help. He needssomeone to help him go down to the welfare office and make an application. So,I volunteered to do that. But when I got to the welfare office, they would notlet me make an application for this gentleman. So I didn't know what to do, Iwas at a loss. So I went back to the office, and I told Mr. Ross, "Theywon't let me make an application." And he said to me, very sternly,"You go right back down to that welfare office, and you demand to see asupervisor. And you demand that they let him make an application." And Ithought, "Wow, I can do that?"
So I thought about it, and I kind ofovercame my anxieties and my fears. I went down to the welfare office and Idemanded to see the supervisor. Sure enough, he came out, and they had to letMr. Ruiz make an application for welfare. And he got his disability for himselfand his family. But that taught me a lesson. That taught me that I had a voice.
Well, Mr. Ross also taught many of us manyother things, including Cesar Chavez and many other volunteers. And he taughtus not only that we can make demands of people, especially our publicofficials. And this is something we should always keep in mind: every publicofficial -- guess what -- they work for us. Because we pay their salaries without taxes. And they are actually our servants. Some of them turn out to beleaders, but not all of them.
Once in a while we get a leader out ofthere.
The other thing that Mr. Ross taught us isthat voting is extremely important. And not just voting, but going out thereand getting other people to vote. Going door to door. Phone banking, talking tovoters, because many voters have a lot of doubts and they don't know how tovote. And unfortunately, we know that in many countries people are not allowedto vote because we have voter suppression in other countries, like we do here inthe United States of America. But the thing is, if we can get out there asindividuals and talk to people, so we can remove their apathy and make surethat they can vote.
羅斯先生教會我們的另一件事就是,選舉是非常重要的。不光是自己投票,還包括推動別人投票。挨家挨戶敲門。打電話,跟選民交流,因為很多選民有很多疑惑,他們并不知道如何投票。不幸的是,在很多國家不允許人民選舉,因為有種種選舉限制,在美國也有。但關(guān)鍵在于,如果我們作為個人 能走上街頭,改變?nèi)藗兊睦淠?保證他們可以投票。
So, I want to give you an example of awoman in our foundation, the Dolores Huerta Foundation, and just to show youthat sometimes people have power, but they don't know it. But once they findit, they do miraculous things. So, Leticia Prado is an immigrant from Mexico,only has a sixth-grade education and speaks very limited English. But she wasvery concerned because the children at the middle school in their town calledWeedpatch -- this is in California, Central Valley -- they couldn't go out andplay in the schoolyard, because the air quality is so bad in the southern partof Kern County, California in our United States of America. So she and herhusband went out there, and they passed a bond issue to build a brand new,state-of-the-art gymnasium for the kids at their middle school. That was a bigsuccess.
Then she heard a rumor that the principalwas going to end the breakfast program for the farm worker children, becausethe principal thought it was just too much paperwork. So, Leticia got herselfelected to the school board. And they kept the breakfast program, and she gotrid of the principal.
然后她又聽到傳言校長想終止針對 農(nóng)場工人的孩子 設(shè)立的早餐計劃,因為校長覺得這項計劃 有太多文書工作要做。萊蒂西亞自己進入了校董會。保留了早餐計劃,炒掉了校長。
So there were other rumors about somecorruption in the local water district. So, Leticia got herself elected to thewater district. Then she looked into all of the finances of the water districtand found there was 250,000 dollars missing from their bank account. So,Leticia called in the grand jury, and several arrests have been made. And thisis just an example of a woman who never went to high school, never went tocollege, but she found her power. And in addition, she has recruited otherpeople in the community to also run for public office, and guess what --they've all gotten themselves elected.
然后她又聽說本地供水系統(tǒng)有貪腐行為。于是她又加入了供水局。她調(diào)查了供水局財務(wù)信息發(fā)現(xiàn)賬戶有25萬美元的虧空。于是她提交大陪審團,逮捕了一批人。這只是一個例子,一位女性沒上過高中沒上過大學(xué),照樣挖掘出了自己的力量。除此之外,她還吸引社區(qū)中的其他人 同樣去競選公職,結(jié)果呢,他們都被選中了。
So, I take that Leticia really embodiessomething that Coretta Scott King said. And I want to share this with you.Coretta Scott King said, "We will never have peace in the world untilwomen take power."
在我看來,萊蒂利亞真的實踐了科麗塔·斯科特·金所說的。我跟大家分享一下她說的這句話: “世界和平永遠無法實現(xiàn),除非婦女掌權(quán)?!?/p>
Now, I have amended that statement to saythat we will never have peace in the world until feminists take power.
Because we know there is a difference,right? Not only that, but if we want to define what is a feminist -- a personwho stands up for reproductive rights, for immigrants' rights, for theenvironment, for LGBT rights and also for labor unions and working people.
這兩者還是有區(qū)別的,對吧?不僅如此,如果要定義女權(quán)主義者 就是那些為了維護生育權(quán),移民權(quán),環(huán)境保護,同性戀權(quán)利,工會和勞工權(quán)利而挺身而出的人。
Which also means that men can also befeminists.
So when we think of feminization, we shouldalso think of how can we feminize the policies, and not only of our majorcountries, the wealthy countries like the United States, but all over theworld, our domestic and foreign policy.
And one of the things that we can do tostop wars and to have peace is to make sure that the wealthiest countries inthe world also help the developing countries. Now, we did this in the past.After World War II, when Japan and Germany were devastated after the war,United States of America gave many tax dollars to those two countries, so thatthey can rebuild their economies and rebuild their corporations. And we can dothat again. And if we can think about how we can help these other countries. AndI want to give an example of issues that we are facing in the United States ofAmerica, for instance.
We know that right now we have a lot ofrefugees from Central America that are at the border of the United States. Whydo people leave their homes, their beautiful homes that we go to as tourists?Because they don't have opportunities there. And then we think, "Hm,bananas." How many jillions of bananas do we consume in the United Statesevery single day? And throughout the world. Now, do the people in CentralAmerica get the profits from the bananas that we consume? No, they don't. Theprofits go to corporations from the United States of America. And we think thatthis is wrong. Now, if the people in Central America were to be able to getsome of that money that we pay for bananas, then they wouldn't have to leavetheir homes. They wouldn't have to come as asylum seekers to the borders of theUnited States of America. And then maybe, many children would not have to beseparated from their parents.
我們知道目前在美國邊境線上有許多來自中美洲的難民。為什么他們會背井離鄉(xiāng)?他們的家鄉(xiāng)那么美麗,是我們會去旅游的地方。因為那里沒有機會。于是我們會想,“嗯,不是有香蕉嗎。”每天我們美國會 消費多少香蕉呢? 全世界又有多少呢? 中美洲的人們 從我們消費的香蕉中 能獲利多少呢? 他們得不到。利潤都被美國的公司拿走了。我們認為這不對。如果中美洲的人們 能得到一部分 我們買香蕉的錢,他們就不用背井離鄉(xiāng)。不用到美國邊境 尋求避難。這樣的話,許多孩子 可能就不用離開父母。
Now, we know that there are countries inthe world that actually have free education and have free health care for allof the people in their country. And that country is Cuba. Cuba has health carefor every one of their citizens, and they have a free college education forevery one of their citizens. They're 11 million citizens. Now, we think, if a poorcountry like Cuba can have these kind of resources, and we know that they're apoor country, then why can't some of the other wealthier countries, like theUnited States of America, do the same? I think that we can make that happen.
世界上有些國家對于自己的人民 教育和醫(yī)療都是免費的。這個國家就是古巴。古巴公民的醫(yī)療是免費的,大學(xué)教育也是免費的。他們有1100萬公民。我們就會想,像古巴這樣窮的國家都能提供這樣的資源,大家都知道古巴不富裕,那為什么其他富裕的國家,比如美國,做不到呢?我覺得我們可以做到。
But we know it's not going to happen untilwe, the people of the United States of America, and people throughout theworld, start making sure that they get public officials elected to theirgovernments that really care about the constituents, they care about people,they will commit to make sure that the resources that they have are going to beused for their citizens, and not to be used for war.
So, how do we make this happen? We have toget rid of the apathy, we have to get more people involved. We know that if wecan't have a democracy in the United States, we can't have democraciesthroughout the world, unless people participate. So it is imperative that allof us get out there and we say, "Get rid of the apathy, get off of thesidewalk, come and join the march for peace and justice, let's make CorettaScott's vision a reality, to have peace in the world."
We recently had midterm elections in theUnited States of America. And what did we see? We saw that so many more women,young people, people of color, LGBT folks, were all elected to public office.And we know this happened -- why? Because so many women were on the march. Wehad the Women's March in the United States. They had the Women's Marches allover the world. And so we now see that we have this potential. We have thispotential to get rid of the apathy. And if we get everyone involved, geteveryone committed, then, I think, we can make Coretta Scott's vision cometrue.
So, I want to just remind everybody,throughout the world, one of the things is, we have power, poor people havepower, every citizen has power. But in order to achieve the peace that we allyearn for, then we've all got to get involved.
So, what do we say? Can we do it? We say,"Yes, we can!" And in Spanish, we say, "Sí, se puede."
Thank you very much.
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