DAME Rukenawe the She Ape, Reynart's Aunt, was not well pleased. She was great with the Queen and well beloved. It happened well for the Fox that she was there, for she understood all wisdom, and she durst well speak, where as it to do was. Wherever she came everich was glad of her.
She said,“My Lord the King, you ought not to be angry when you sit in judgment, for that becomes not your nobleness. A man that sits in judgment ought to put from him all wrath and anger. A lord ought to have discretion that should sit in justice. I know better the points of the law than some that wear furred gowns, for I have learned many of them and was made cunning in the law. I had in the Pope's palace of Woerden a good bed of hay, where other beasts lay on the hard ground, and also when I had there to do I was suffered to speak, and was heard before another because I knew so well the law. Seneca writes that a lord shall overall do right and law, he shall charge none to whom he has given his safeguard to above the right and law; the law ought not to halt for no man. And every man that stands here would well bethink him what he has done and bedriven in his days, he should the better have patience and pity on Reynart. Let every man know him self, that is my counsel. There is none that stands so surely but otherwhile he falls or slides. Who that never misdid nor sinned is holy and good, and has no need to amend him. When a man does amiss and then by counsel amendeth it, that is humanly and so ought he to do; but alway to misdo and trespass and not to amend him, that is evil and a devily life. Mark then what is written in the gospel, Estote misericordes, be you merciful; yet stands there more, Nolite judicare et non judicabimini, deem you no man and you shall not be deemed. There stands also how the pharisees brought a woman taken in adultery and would have stoned her to death. They asked Our Lord what he said thereto; he said,‘Who of you all is without sin let him cast the first stone.’Tho abode no man but left her there standing. Me thinks it is so here. There be many that see a straw in another's eyou that can not see a balke in his own. There be many that deem other, and himself is worst of all. Though one fall oft, and at last arises up and comes to mercy, he is not thereof damned. God receives all them that desire his mercy. Let no man condemn another though they wist that he had done amiss; yet let them see their own defaults, and then may they themself correct first, and then Reynart my Cousin should not fare the worse. For his father and his grandfather have alway been in more love and reputation in this Court than Esegrim the Wolf or Bruin the Bear with all their friends and lineage. It has been heretofore an unlike comparison, the wisdom of Reynart my Cousin, and the honour and worship of him, that he has done, and the counsel of them; for they know not how the world goes. Me thinks this Court is all turned upside down. These false shrews, flatterers, and deceivers, arise and wax great by the lordes, and are enhanced up; and the good, true, and wise are put down, for they have been wont to counsel truly and for the honour of the King. I can not see how this may stand long.”
Then said the King,“Dame, if he had done to you such trespass as he has done to other it should repent you. Is it wonder that I hate him? He breaks away my safeguard. Have you not heard the complaints that here have been showed of him, of murder, of theft, and of treason? Have you such trust in him? Think you that he is thus good and clear? then set him up on the altar, and worship and pray to him as to a saint. But there is none in all the world that can say any good of him; you may say much for him, but in the end you shall find him all nought. He has neither kin nor one friend that will enterprise to help him. He has so deserved. I have great marvel of you. I heard never of none that has fellowshipped with him that ever thanked him or said any good of him, save you now, but alway he has striked them with his tail.”
Then the She Ape answered and said,“My lord, I love him and have him in great charity. And also I know a good deed that he once in your presence did, whereof you could him great thank. Though now it be thus turned, yet shall the heaviest weigh most. A man shall love his friend by measure, and not his enemy hate overmuch. Steadfastness and constancy is fitting and behoves to the lords, how soever the world turns. Me ought not to praise too much the day, till even be come. Good counsel is good for him that will do thereafter.”
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