a beer baron 啤酒大王
a big shot 大人物
a coal baron 煤炭大王
a crime against humanity 違反人性的犯罪
a heroic figure 英雄人物
a historical figure 歷史人物
a hubbub of voices 人聲鼎沸
a man of eminent scientific acquirements 科學造詣出眾的人
a man of great attainments 有巨大成就的人
a man of noble appearance 儀表高貴的人
a man of noble aspirations 一個具有崇高志向的人
a man of uncommon acquirements 才藝出眾的人
a man of unusual balance of mind 異常鎮(zhèn)靜的人
a man of varied attainments 多才多藝的人
a man with a small appetite 食量小的人
a modern industrial baron 現(xiàn)代工業(yè)巨頭
a movie baron 電影界巨頭
a nobody/a small potato 小人物
a slipshod appearance 邋遢的外表
a young man of stylish appearance 外表時髦的男青年
a youth of mellow appearance 樣子老成的青年
an act of humanity 仁慈的行為
an adept in flattery 馬屁精
an apprentice in suffering and humiliation 一個初嘗苦難和屈辱滋味的人
an artificially imposed obstacle 人為的障礙
an oil baron 石油大王
an outstanding personage 杰出的人物
an ugly appearance 丑陋的外貌
admonish mankind 告誡人類
afflict mankind 使人類受痛苦
afflicted humanity 受折磨的人們
all for one and one for all 人人為我,我為人人
artificial rubber 人造橡膠
artificial silk 人造絲
be densely populated 人煙稠密
be sparsely populated 人煙稀少
be very popular/enjoy great popularity 人緣好
benefit all mankind 為全人類謀利益
benefit humanity 有益于人類
body persecution 人身虐待
boost popular morale 振奮人心
complete the natural span of one's life 盡享天年
curry favor with the public 收買人心
disgrace humanity 使人類蒙受恥辱
do sb.a favor 做個人情
echo the views of others/parrot 人云亦云
experienced in the ways of the world 人情練達
extend the life span/lengthen the span of life 延長壽命
figures in the sports world 體育界人士
friendly personality 友好人士
have a fierce appearance 一副兇相
have an imposing appearance 儀表堂堂
huge crowds of people/a sea of people 人山人海
human affairs 人事
human feelings/human sympathy 人情
human nature 人性
Human Right Commission 人權委員會
Human Rights Act 人權法
human rights/rights of man 人權
human testimony and material evidence 人證物證
humane studies/learning 人文科學
informed resources 消息靈通人士
laboring humanity 勞動大眾
letters from the masses 人民來信
liberate mankind 解放人類
lose all popular sympathy 人心喪盡
man-made/artificial 人造
moral standing/moral quality 人品
oppressed humanity 受壓迫的人們
outlook on life 人生觀
patriotic personage 愛國人士
persons selected/choice of persons 人選
philosophy of life 人生哲學
physical protection 人身保護
poor but with lofty ideals 人窮志不窮
short of hands/shorthanded 人手太少
shorten the span of life 縮短壽命
signs of people/habitation 人煙
the humane treatment 人道待遇
the humanities/humane studies 人文科學
the origin of mankind 人類的起源
the shadow of a human figure 人影
the theory of human nature 人性論
typical character 典型人物
unfeeling and unreasonable 不通人性
utterly inhuman 滅絕人性
ways of the world 事理人情
well-known figures/celebrities 知名人士
worldly wisdom 人情世故