Darius weighs three-and-a-half stone and measures 4ft 4in, making him the world’s biggest rabbit, according to Guinness World Records。
His owner, Annette Edwards, 62, from Worcester, is considering putting him on a diet after revealing that he eats 12 carrots a day – more than 4,000 a year。
He also gets through piles of cabbage, apples and two large bowls of rabbit mix - at an annual cost of £2,400.
Ms Edwards is well used to looking after bunnies with big appetites as Darius’s mother Alice held the record title before him。
And Ms Edwards couldn’t believe the speed Darius grew at when he was born – and she never thought after just five years he would hold the crown for biggest rabbit in the world。
'Darius is from a family of giant rabbits but he is the biggest bunny in history. It’s amazing just how big he is。
‘If Darius had his way he would never stop eating,’ she said. ‘He is very greedy. I have to really watch him。
Continental giant rabbits usually live to four or five years, but can last up to seven if well cared for。
They are considered docile, friendly and intelligent, and are relaxed around humans if socialised when young. They were originally bred for their meat and fur。