Average is what everyone else does. If you want to succeed, you must gobeyond average。
Average is following the crowd。
Average is following the standard career path。
Average doesn't get up early (or stay up late) to work on their dreams。
Average doesn't exercise or get in shape。
Average is doing what everyone else does。
Choose Not to Be Average選擇不成為普通人
So, how do you choose not to be average? Here are 5 Ways to Choose Notto Be Average:
1. Have Goals – Average doesn't have goals. Average doesn't write them down. Andaverage doesn't make progress every single day without excuses. Make sure youhave clearly defined goals and that you do something daily to move them forward。
2. Go Above and Beyond – Average does just enough to get by and nothing more. Average does whatis expected and stops there. Go beyond people's expectations and surprise themwith results. (It is important to note that this is not always about the # of hoursput in, but rather the quality of effort put in。)
3. Push Yourself – Average likes easy. Average doesn't push limits. You are stronger thanyou think. Always be testing your limits to reach new ones。
4. Make Your Own Path – Average likes comfortable. Average likes the well-worn path that iseasy to follow. Average is where everyone else goes. Make your own path if youdon't want to end up with everyone else。
5. Try New Things – Average doesn't like change. Average likes the status quo. Always bewilling to try something new. You have to try new things in order to learn andgrow。
Life is too short to be average. Ask yourself if you are settling forthe same as everyone else. Choose to be more. Choose to be something better.Choose to be above average。