Millions of people abide by the so-called ‘ten-second rule’ - judging food as OK to eat if it only touches the floor momentarily.
But researchers have branded the age-old convention a myth - and claim a third of us are putting our health at risk of a ‘silent killer’ by eating dirty food.
A survey has found that 37 per cent of those polled would eat food that was dropped on the kitchen floor, while 38 per cent would pick it off the living room floor and eat it.
According to Dr Ackerley, the worst bacteria in our homes are ‘silent killers’ that we cannot see or smell but that can multiply from a single bacterium to several million in just seven hours.
Rachelle Williams, of the Food Safety Information Council, said we need to consider the type of food before picking something up off the floor and eating it.
'It all comes down to bacteria,' she told Daily Mail Australia.