Unlike previous stories in the Harry Potter series, there is no Harry, Ron or Hermione this time around. It’s 1926, and our hero is named Newt Scamander, a messy-haired, *freckle-faced young *wizard from the UK, and author of a textbook that Potter later studies at Hogwarts. And it’s from that textbook the film gets its name.
Traveling from the UK, Scamander arrives in New York carrying a strange suitcase filled with magical creatures, that accidentally ends up being switched with someone else’s. The creatures are soon *unleashed upon the streets of New York, while Scamander spends the rest of the story hunting them down while fighting US authorities.
Not only providing viewers the thrill of seeing the magical creatures being chased down, the storyline of Fantastic Beasts also contains a more serious angle that relates to the real world.
“I dealt with some dark themes,” Rowling told The Guardian when she described writing the movie. “There was a lot of stuff in the *sewers.”
Through the experience of Scamander, a British man in the US, the movie explores the issues of racial inequality and *discrimination toward immigrants.
The secretive and cruel American Ministry of Magic can be seen as a reference to today’s US political structure. To Rowling, some politicians in the real world are, as she described, “worse than Voldemort”.
Despite its make-believe premise, the themes of Fantastic Beasts are very real indeed. It’s a film about immigrants with different values and ideas, but who just might save us from ourselves. It’s about the power of whispering rather than shouting. It’s about accepting others and not holding them back.
Scamander’s tale of heroism could be just what we need right now, and Rowling is the only one who could tell it.