1. 勿要躲避或忽視陰暗面
In order to conquer and overcome, it must beacknowledged. This can include people in your lifewho may be bringing you down, a hostile workplaceenvironment or even a personal stressor that youhaven't conquered quite yet. You are in control ofyour environment and if these negative situationskeep making an appearance, it's up to you tohandle them.
2. Take care of yourself and your needs.
2. 關(guān)愛自己,重視自我需求。
In order to feel compelled to live a powerful and meaningful life, you must love you. Take careof your actions and how you live each day, and this will be reflected in your thoughts andemotional state of mind. Love yourself fully in order to love others fully.
3. Mend what's broken or get rid of it.
3. 之于裂痕,要么修復(fù),要么忘懷。
Determining what is worth your time and effort and what is not can be challenging. Ifsituations are toxic and beyond repair, it's time to let go. Are there relationships or friendshipsthat remain damaged but you know are worth the time? Fix them and find peace. Do what youcan to find love in situations where it may have be absent in the past.
4. Give back.
4. 傾情回饋。
Giving our time, energy, love, mentorship and sometimes money is what life is about. Everything we put out into the world comes back to us. My mom taught me a quote shelearned in Mexico that stuck with me forever, "donde comen uno, comen dos." (where one caneat, two can eat.) It moves me every time I say it out loud. At the end of the day, no matterwhat you have you are likely in a position to give something small to someone else who needsit. Don't hesitate.
人生的真諦是給予我們的時(shí)間、能量、愛和教導(dǎo)(金錢有時(shí)也是),我們向世界付出的一切都會(huì)有所回饋。我母親曾教過我她在墨西哥學(xué)到的一句話,讓我永生難忘:“donde comen uno, comen dos.”(一人能食之處,也能供兩人享用。)我每次大聲讀這句話時(shí),都會(huì)被震撼感動(dòng)。說到底,無論你擁有什么,你都有可能給予他人小小的一份心意,而這正是他們需要的。不要猶豫。
5. Things that make us smile, laugh and feel good are just awesome.
5. 所有讓我們笑逐顏開,感覺不錯(cuò)的事都值得敬重。
This one is pretty simple...Just do MORE of it. Do more of what makes you happy! I trulybelieve that in the super fast paced world we live in, happiness may not come as easily as wewish. In order to navigate through work and responsibilities that seem monotonous, we haveto actively pursue and engage in beautiful acts of love and kindness. So get to it!