2.No one will remember you. Maybe two or threegenerations down, if you’re lucky. Even from thesuccessful, very few are remembered. You mightbring Einstein or Shakespeare up, but at this point, more people only know their name rather thananything else.
3.Diplomas give illusions of success. They only affect the chances- take a look at some of themost successful today; their raw intelligence was more than a full university education forthem.
4.Family is never together forever. I’m talking parents and siblings here.
1.On Mount Everest, there are 200 corpses of failed climbers.
2.Some species of butterfly drink human blood.
3.16% of cell phones have poop on them.
4.Some of us will not be here next year.
5.Researchers accidentally killed the world's oldest animal in 2006.
“You can be replaced too..”
When Carl Lewis ran a 100m sprint under 10 seconds for the first time; it was like the wholeworld came to a standstill. A feat that has not been achieved before in history and that cannotbe achieved by anyone in future, ever again.
However, the sad truth of life is that you can never stay on top of the podium for long. Fromthen on, there have been at least 100 odd sprinters who have surpassed the 10 sec mark.
The same applies to all of us. We can all be replaced; be it in our family, office or neighborhood. It’s just that the right person has to come up at the right time to knock you off.