Atopic dermatitis is one of about eight different types of the chronic, non-infectious skin condition called eczema. When people talk about “severe eczema,” they’re usually referring to atopic dermatitis. And the symptoms can be very challenging to cope with.
1. Severe Itching
People with mild-to-moderate eczema experience some itching, but people with severe eczema tend to experience much more intense, even uncontrollable itching. In fact, their skin itches so much they scratch it until it bleeds. These dry, itchy spots can develop anywhere, but they’re especially common in places like the crook of your arms, the back of your knees, your neck and your face.
2. Redness and Dryness
Red, dry, irritated skin is common in most cases of eczema. But when your skin is extra-dry and extra-red and extra-irritated, you know you’re dealing with a much more severe case. It may also be spread out over larger areas.
3. Blistering
Another of the most common severe eczema signs is blistering. When you have a flare-up of atopic dermatitis, it can cause sores or blisters to form. Often, those blisters then break open, weeping fluid.
4. Thick Patches of Skin
With all the scratching and rubbing that comes with an itchy case of severe eczema, it’s common over time to develop thick, raised patches of skin. These patches of skin often feel and look leathery. Your skin may feel rougher overall, too.
5. Lack of Response to Topical Treatment
Most mild-to-moderate cases of eczema respond fairly well to the use of topical treatments like gentle moisturizers on a daily basis along with corticosteroid creams or ointments for flare-ups. When your skin stops responding well to those treatments, it can be a sign your eczema has developed into a more severe case.
6. Symptoms Persist into Adulthood
Atopic dermatitis tends to develop in young children and babies--and is less common in adults. But when a child’s eczema symptoms persist into adulthood, they are often more severe, although the symptoms can cycle back and forth.
7. Sleeplessness
Someone who’s not familiar with severe eczema might be confused by this sign, but anyone who suffers from the condition knows why sleeplessness is a problem. The severe itching prevents many people with atopic dermatitis from sleeping well at night.
8. Eye Problems
Allergic rhinitis is common in people with eczema, so they may wind up with the red, weepy eyes we tend to associate with hay fever. But people with atopic dermatitis are also prone to developing eye problems like eyelid dermatitis, inflammation of the cornea, and conjunctivitis.