The word "awesome" is ubiquitous these days – used to describe almost anything agreeable from a slice of Margherita pizza to that new sweater you just bought. But can these things really inspire a life-altering sense of wonderment and reverence?
Even simple, everyday occurrences, like a sunset, can produce a sense of wonder. (Photo: Kyle Pearce/flickr)
The science of awe
There's no denying awe typically strikes in the presence big things, like the California redwoods or the Great Wall of China. It may sweep through you at a live concert, or as you absorb the power and grace of a Shakespearean sonnet. Even storms and other natural disasters can ignite awe by reminding us of nature's wild and ungovernable forces.
But awe isn't just reserved for the biggest sights or most dramatic events. You don't have to fly around the world or spend a fortune chasing larger-than-life thrills to awaken awe. Even small gestures, like tossing a coin in a fountain or embarking on adventures closer to home, such as hiking a nearby trail, can help you let go of control for a while, altering your sense of time and your place in the mystery of life.
Even a short walk in the woods can produce a sense of awe when you learn to let go of stress and pay attention to small details. (Photo: Quinn Comendant [CC BY-SA 2.0]/Flickr)
Bottom line: the more you're bowled over by things, the healthier you'll be physically, mentally and spiritually.
In fact, you don't even have to go outside. Just looking at images of nature's grandeur, including photos of your favorite vacations or a nature show on TV, can induce awesome positivity.
The main requirement for channeling more awe is learning how to slow down, let go of worries and be present in the moment. Sure, it can be hard to go Zen in the midst of your day-to-day routine, but adopting a regular relaxation practice, such as deep breathing or meditation, can dampen stress and strengthen your awe receptors.
Seeing the world through a child's eyes can put more awe in your life. (Photo: Quinn Dombrowski [CC BY-SA 2.0]/Flickr)
Here are additional ways to spark a sense of wonder and appreciation in your daily life:
Learn about inspiring people. Read a biography or watch a biopic about someone who intrigues you. Maybe they have a tremendous talent or changed the course of history. Let yourself be roused and energized by their example.
Enjoy the arts. That includes music, sculpture, architecture, film – whatever draws you in, delights you, helps you make new connections and expands your mind. Go to local concerts and gallery openings or enjoy books, recordings and movies at home.
Spend time with a child. Young kids seem to live in a perpetual state of awe over nearly everything they do and see. Their amazement is contagious and can help you experience the world through their fresh eyes.