Even one serving daily of a sugary soft drink is associated with higher risk of cardiovascular disease.
That's according to a new study published Wednesday in the Journal of the American Heart Association.
In the study, researchers cataloged answers from about 106.000 women who filled out a food questionnaire. The survey included questions about how often they drank sweetened beverages, including sodas, sports drinks and sweetened bottled waters.
The participants, whose average age was 52. hadn't been diagnosed with heart disease, stroke or diabetes when they entered the study. Based on follow-ups over two decades, however, many began to show signs ofthose conditions.
The researchers concluded that drinking one or more sugary beverages each day was associated with a nearly 20% greater likelihood of having a cardiovascular disease, when compared with women who either didn't drink or rarely drank sugary beverages.
Some drinks are worse than others
Those who consumed fruit drinks with sugar added on a daily basis had a 42% greater likelihood of experiencing cardiovascular disease compared with those who didn't drink sugary beverages at all. (The study's definition of "fruit drink" excluded fruit juices and only included flavored fruity drinks in which sugar was added.)
The American Heart Association recommends that women try to limit their added sugar intake to no more than 100 calories daily, or 25 grams. Men shouldn't have more than 150 calories, or 38 grams.
Sugar can narrow the arteries
"We hypothesize that sugar may increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases in several ways," said lead author Cheryl Anderson, a professor of family and public health at University of California San Diego.
"It raises glucose levels and insulin concentrations in the blood, which may increase appetite and lead to obesity, a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease."
She noted that excessive sugar is associated with inflammation and type 2 diabetes.
The women in this study were pulled from the California Teachers Study. That project kicked off in 1995 when 133.478 women, who were either active or former teachers, filled out a questionnaire as part of a study about links between smoking and breast cancer.
In this study related to cardiovascular disease, researchers extracted survey data from all the women in the California Teachers Study cohort. They tracked the women until those participants had experienced a cardiovascular event, died, moved out of California or quit following up with questionnaire mailings.
Water is the best drink
To avoid sugary drinks, the AHA says that people should read nutrition labels and look out for additives such as sucrose, maltose and syrups, so you don't accidentally drink two or three times the amount listed.
The AHA recommends water as the best thing to sip on throughout the day, and if you're looking to take in something sweeter, making a fruit smoothie is a healthier way to add more taste without gulping down certain negative health consequences at the same time.