Located near the North Pole, Greenland is an island nation where you have the opportunity to witness the alarming climate change phenomena such as melting ice, ocean warming...
Ilulissat is located on the west coast of Greenland, more than 350 km from the Arctic Circle. The Zion Church here was built in the late 18th century. It was the largest man-made structure at the time.
Ilulissa Harbor is a popular destination for cruise ships. Geraldine Westrupp, founder and organizer of the small-scale travel itinerary here, said he is abandoning the ships that depart in the fall and only runs in the winter (when other cruise ships stop working) in search of tranquility, avoiding crowds of passengers stopping by the city.
The man is drying cods in the port of Ilulissat. Salted and dried fish are two popular foods throughout Greenland. Ilulissat is home to 4,600 people and 3,500 sled dogs. In 1741, the first city was built as a trading area, being the third largest place in Greenland after the capital Nuuk and Sisimiut.
Greenland residents are living in the place most threatened by climate in the world, with melting glaciers and ocean warming. Coming here, you can encounter huge icebergs in Ilulissat glacier fjord.
From Ilulissat, fishing boats enter the sea or into the nearby Disko Bay to catch cod, sea trout and halibut.
This destination also has a hotel that serves tourists. You can choose to stay at the Nordlys guesthouse, run by former mayor Ilulissat.
To move on the frozen water, you can use an ice breaker or a small motor boat.
Admiring the aurora is one of the experiences visitors should not miss when visiting this land of ice. The sky will be filled with mysterious light like red and green curtains moving continuously. In the middle of the night, at the temperature of minus 15 degrees Celsius, you seem to completely forget the cold to admire and record this spectacular phenomenon.
Kayak, a means for fishing in the summer, will be hung upside down to keep it dry throughout the winter.
Children ski on cardboard pieces found at the back of a grocery store.