It's been a wild year for the financial world. You might be worried about your investments or considering making changes to your portfolio.
But don't do anything drastic. Trust us, no good has ever come from freaking out about your stocks in the middle of a global pandemic.
Here's what to remember:
1. Don't sell stocks when the market tanks.
When stocks are in free fall, it's scary. You watch your retirement portfolio drop in value. Try thinking about it like a roller coaster. Those can be scary too, but you only get hurt if you jump off the roller coaster. It's better to hang in there and ride back up when the market recovers.
The problem with selling, is nobody knows when the market will turn around and go roaring back up. So if you sell, your retirement fund can get left in a ruined heap after the market recovers.
2. Rebalance your portfolio at least once a year
If you want to indulge your human impulse to do something in the face of a market crash, Swensen says there is one very good thing to do. It's called rebalancing: "selling what's gone up and buying what's gone down," says Swensen.
If you have a well designed pie-chart of investments prior to the market crashing, then you have an opportunity to rebalance. For example, if stocks have fallen in value and treasury bonds have increased in value (after investors rushed to buy them as safer investments), then your pie slice for stocks has gotten smaller in value as a percentage of your portfolio. And your bond slice has gotten bigger.
3. Don't pick your own stocks.
It makes sense to be invested in the stock market because over long periods of time, stocks have had much better returns than bonds or other investments. But that does not mean that it's a good idea to buy individual stocks, like Amazon or Tesla or whatever seems like the hot company.
Here is the dirty little secret of Wall Street. It's almost impossible, even for professionals, to pick individual companies whose stocks are going to outperform the overall market. Over time, eighty to 90% of mutual fund managers —80 to 90%— fail at this.
So if you're thinking you can read some investing magazines, watch some investing shows on TV, and pick some winner stocks, Swensen says, "it's basically a fool's errand."
So what's the right way to own stocks?
4. Invest in index funds, not actively managed funds. And don't pay too much in fees.
Swensen says to buy a slice of the entire stock market using low-cost, broad-based index funds. The Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund, for example, buys just about every U.S. public company for a very low annual fee of 0.14%.
Index funds differ from actively managed mutual funds, some of which charge fees that are 10 times what you'd pay for an index fund. Index funds are what's called 'passively' managed — they just buy a list of stocks without trying to pick winners or losers.
In an actively managed fund, you're paying professional investors to pick a basket of stocks for the fund to invest in that are supposed to outperform the overall market. But as we say above, the vast majority fail to do that after you factor in the fees they charge you.
5. Diversify your portfolio.
Here's a sample recommended portfolio from David Swensen which he says will serve most investors well:
30% in U.S. stocks.
15% in developed country stocks.
5% in emerging market stocks.
20% in domestic U.S. real estate.
15% in U.S. Treasury bonds.
15% U.S. Treasury Inflation Protected Securities.
Experts say if you want to make big changes to your portfolio, again don't do it right after stocks crash. Some suggest what's called 'dollar cost averaging' where you make a series of gradual moves over a year and a half to end up where you want to be.
As people approach retirement age and once they're in retirement, Swensen says, things get more complicated. At that point in your life, many experts say it may make sense to get some professional advice from a financial advisor.