With so many new anxieties in the world today, achieving a healthy frame of mind can seem more challenging than in years past. Having a daily moment of intentional quiet can go a long way toward a better outlook.
This five-minute meditation routine combines both yoga and balance to steady the mind, utilize the breath to become more mindful and reduce stress. Through movements and attention to breath, you'll be on your way to feeling calmer, thinking more clearly and improving concentration and decision-making.
Mindfulness meditation, research has shown, is even connected with being able to process new information. You don't need to purchase a meditation cushion to perform mindfulness meditation and reap the benefits. This five-minute routine can be done seated on a yoga mat, on the couch or even at your work-from-home desk.
Maybe you're in need of meditation to help reduce anxiety, improve feelings of depression or just divert your mind to something else. Mindfulness meditation does, in fact, decreases anxiety and improves self-esteem, studies have shown.
As you move through this meditation, focus on deep breathing. Inhale and exhale through the nose, and start by filling up your belly with air. Then feel the air rise up into the chest. As you exhale, empty the chest first and then feel the stomach deflate like a balloon. This slow, conscious and specific breath pattern aids in focusing the mind to the present moment.
Finally, if your mind wanders easily during this sequence, you can focus on a one-word mantra to recite silently to yourself. Choosing a word like "serenity" or "peace" or "confidence" and syncing your movement with your breath can help transport you to a different world.
Seated in a cross-legged position (if you're in a chair, keep your feet flat on the ground with your knees bent). Place your hands on your knees. Inhale as you lift your chest forward and arch your back to look up.
Exhale as you round the spine and tuck the chin to the chest, stretching the back.
Repeat this five times. Focus on breathing slowly and moving through these poses mindfully.
While seated, inhale as you shrug your shoulders up to your ears. Then exhale as you release the shoulders. While doing this movement, keep your spine elongated and your naval pulled into your spine to engage your core.
In your seated position, reach the arms out to the sides and up above you. Relax the shoulders even though you're reaching the arms up as high as you can.
This mindful breathing exercise can be done seated, standing or even lying down. Place one hand on your stomach and the other hand on your heart. Breathe in as you feel your stomach press against your hand and then feel your chest expand into your other hand. Exhale and feel your chest release and then your stomach release.
Repeat this deep breath 10 times. If it becomes challenging to focus on your breathing while sitting still, you can add a count to your breath.