Protein is essential in a healthy diet. Knowing the right protein can help us take full advantage of it. Here are 10 protein facts not everyone knows.
Interesting facts about protein
1. Men need more protein than women?
The amount of protein you need depends on your gender, age, weight, activities ... But yes, men often need more protein than women. The average man needs about 56 grams of protein a day while the woman needs about 46 grams.
2. What percentage of calories does protein provide for you per day?
For most people, 10-35% of their calories come from protein (a day).
3. Do hard workers need more protein than lazy people?
Your activity during the day affects how much protein your body needs. Practitioners may need a little more protein than people who don't exercise. They need muscle recovery and rebuilding after exercising.
4. Milk, beef, eggs, nuts: Which foods have the most protein?
If you compare 1 cup of whole milk, 1 cup of nuts and seeds, 85 grams of beef and 1 large egg, beef is the answer with the most protein. Beef and red meats in general are also high in saturated fat, which can lead to high cholesterol and heart disease. If you eat red meat, eat just enough and choose lean cuts of meat.
5. Why do we need protein?
Protein is an important part of every cell in the body. It has a variety of roles such as energizing, repairing bones and muscles, shaping cell structure and supporting the immune system.
6. Does a high-protein diet help with weight loss?
It's correct. Some studies show that eating protein instead of carbs can help you lose weight. High-protein foods move more slowly through the digestive system, keeping you feeling full for longer. Your body also consumes more energy to digest protein than carbs. Protein also makes you feel less hungry as it keeps blood sugar levels steady.
But don't eat steak all day! Experts say they don't yet know the long-term effects of a high-protein and low-carb diet.
7. Can too much protein be harmful to health?
Usually, eating a little more protein is not harmful. But eating more protein means you have more calories, which can make you gain weight. And if the protein comes from meat, it is loaded with unhealthy saturated fats.
8. Should women not eat soy protein?
Many women worry about the estrogens found in soybeans. But according to the American Cancer Society, eating soybeans poses no risk. Soy may help reduce the risk of breast cancer. Soy protein is a good, low-fat, alternative to high-fat, animal-based protein.
9. Is the human body able to store proteins?
Wrong. Our body does not store protein in the same way as carbs and fat. That's why it's important to eat a steady amount of protein every day.
10. Can you build muscle by eating protein right after training?
Right. Protein can help with muscle recovery immediately after exercise. Many studies show that eating / drinking protein-rich foods right after training can help build muscle.