The weepy American canine classic Old Yeller by Fred Gipson is immediately given a 'spoiler alert' with the comment: "The dog dies."
the Sun Also Rises also elicited ire, noted one reader: "This book reads like a series of Twitter posts by an arrogant alcoholic hanging around with his irresponsible alcoholic friends.”
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory review: "Willy Wonka is a psychotic sadistic child-hating manchild with a penchant for third world labor.”
John Steinbeck's renowned Of Mice And Men set during the Great Depression was damned with: "If I want to be depressed, I’ll just think, not read.”
As for Victor Hugo's Gothic romance, The Hunchback of Notre Dame: "There were too much describings,” complained the reader.
Perhaps the most upsetting for book lovers would be the comment on Charle's Darwin's Origin of the Species: "Didn’t like the cover.”