According to a recent report, it takes a woman just three minutes to decide whether or not a man is her Mr. Right; in just 180 seconds, she sizes up looks, physique, dress-sense of the opposite sex and judges whether he is successful or ambitious.
Commissioned among 3,000 adults to mark the release of Instinct, a new book by Ben Kay, the report says women rarely change their mind about a man after their initial interaction - and believe they are "always right" in their assumptions and judgments.
In addition, women will quickly dismiss a man who they feel is "too cocky" or "too needy". And he will also be rejected if he isn't nice to people, doesn't appear to earn enough and if he has nothing in common with the woman, according to the study.
Last but not the least, both men and women said they rely on their instincts when making decisions with 84 percent admitting their instincts take precedence over everything else with important and life changing ones.
Kay said: "I think a lot of people believe in trusting their instincts when dating. But it's surprising how quickly women make a decision. That's barely enough time to finish a drink together. It's also interesting that so many women trust their instincts and yet still give men the opportunity to change their minds."