"If the UK leaves the EU and there is a loss offreedom of movement of scientists between the UKand Europe, it will be a disaster for UK science anduniversities," the academics wrote in a letter to The Times newspaper.
The over 150 signatories are Cambridge scientists, mathematicians, engineers and economistsand all are also fellows of the Royal Society, Britain's leading scientific institution.
Other signatories included Martin Rees, the astronomer royal and former president of theRoyal Society, University of Cambridge physicist Athene Donald, and letter organiser AlanFersht, a leading chemist.
Britain is due to vote on June 23 on whether to remain in the 28-member bloc. Opinion pollsshow that the campaign to remain within the EU is slightly ahead, but its lead over the"leave" campaign has narrowed in recent months.
In the letter, the scientists argued that science was vital for Britain's long-term prosperity andthat membership of the EU had increased funding of science and allowed the country to recruittalented researchers from continental Europe.
"Investment in science is as important for the long-term prosperity and security of the UK asinvestment in infrastructure projects, farming or manufacturing; and the free movement ofscientists is as important for science as free trade is for market economics," they wrote.