Cody Garrett, 28, of Spartanburg, offered to take thetiny kitten home with him after another officer foundthe cat hiding under a trash dumpster to get out ofthe rain and brought her back to the policedepartment.
He told ABC News that he decided to take it upon himself to nurse the kitten back to healthbecause he already had a rescue cat named Toothless at home who happens to be nursingthree kittens.
When the kitten met her 'adopted mom' for the first time, she went to the bathroom—earningher the name Squirt.
'That's one of the only reasons I brought her home instead of taking her to the HumaneSociety,' he said of Squirt. 'She needed a mom so it worked out.'
Squirt is continuing to get stronger thanks to the support of her adoptive family, which includesher new mom, her siblings, and Cody's two dogs.
Cody Garrett earned Internet fame after sharing a photo of a kitten perched on his shoulderwhile he was in his squad car. More than 1,300 people liked the photo, with people from allaround the world singing his praises.