一名知情人士表示,美國總統(tǒng)唐納德•特朗普(Donald Trump)的國家安全顧問邁克爾•弗林(Michael Flynn)已經(jīng)辭職。此前,有越來越多的人指控弗林非法地與俄羅斯駐美大使討論對俄制裁問題。
Earlier on Monday, the White House said Mr Trump was “evaluating the situation”. But an official said Mr Flynn had resigned on Monday evening amid scrutiny over allegations that he broke the law and concern that he had lied to White House officials about the case.
Mr Flynn will be temporarily succeeded by Keith Kellogg, a retired army general who had been serving as chief of staff on the National Security Council. The official said Mr Trump was considering three people as a permanent replacement, including David Petraeus, a retired general and former head of the Central Intelligence Agency. The other contenders for the position are vice-admiral Robert Harward, the deputy commander of the US military’s Central Command, and Mr Kellogg himself.
弗林的職位將暫時由退役陸軍中將基思•凱洛格(Keith Kellogg)接替。凱洛格之前任國家安全委員會(National Security Council)幕僚長。上述官員表示,特朗普正在考慮由如下三人中的一個正式接任國家安全顧問一職:退役上將、前中央情報局(CIA)局長戴維•彼得雷烏斯(David Petraeus),海軍中將、美國中央司令部副司令羅伯特•哈沃德(Robert Harward),以及凱洛格本人。
Mr Flynn, who was fired as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2014, had come under intense scrutiny following claims that he discussed the sanctions issue with the Russian ambassador before Mr Trump was inaugurated — a possible breach of a statute that bars private citizens from conducting foreign policy.
2014年被解除國防情報局(Defense Intelligence Agency)局長職位的弗林已受到嚴密審視,此前有說法稱,他在特朗普正式就任前同俄羅斯大使討論了對俄制裁問題——這可能違反了禁止普通公民履行外交政策的法規(guī)。