今天,旗下?lián)碛械刂泻>銟凡?Club Med)假日連鎖的企業(yè)巨頭復星(Fosun)加入了大連萬達(Dalian Wanda)的行列,成為第二個上市子公司股票跌幅接近10%的中國著名集團。
Hong Kong-listed Fosun International fell as much as 9.6 per cent in the afternoon session on Thursday before pulling back to be down 7.1 per cent at HK$11.58.
周四,在香港上市的復星國際(Fosun International)在下午盤交易中下跌幅度達到9.6%,之后略有回升,收于每股11.68港元,跌幅為6.26%。
Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceuticals, the group’s mainland-listed pharma unit, also fell as much as 8.9 per cent in Shanghai before paring losses to be 7.3 per cent lower at Rmb30.40.
該集團在內地上市的醫(yī)藥分公司上海復星醫(yī)藥(Fosun Pharmaceuticals)在滬市的股價也下跌了8.9%,之后跌幅略有縮小,收于每股30.17元人民幣、跌幅8.02%的位置。
Those falls followed a similarly sudden dive by Shenzhen-listed shares in another major mainland group’s affiliate, as Dalian Wanda Film’s stock dropped 9.9 per cent during the morning session on Thursday.
在這一下跌行情之前,中國內地另外一家重要集團的分公司萬達電影(Dalian Wanda Film)在深圳上市的股票也曾出現類似突然下跌。在周四上午盤交易期間,萬達電影股價跌幅達到9.9%。
Parent Dalian Wanda Group, which is not listed, subsequently requested a trading halt for its subsidiary and released a statement that called online rumours of banks in China having been ordered to dump its bonds as “hearsay”.