Saudi Arabia granted citizenship to the advanced lifelike humanoid Sophia on Wednesday, making it the first robot to receive citizenship status anywhere in the world. In the process, the Gulf kingdom also became the first country to do so.
Sophia, created by founder of Hanson Robotics Dr. David Hanson, was talking about the future of artificial intelligence with CNBC's Andrew Ross Sorkin who was moderating a panel discussion at the Riyadh event, when the co-anchor of "Squawk Box" interrupted the conversation saying, "We have a little announcement. We just learnt, Sophia; I hope you are listening to me, you have been awarded the first Saudi citizenship for a robot."
漢生科技(Hanson Robotics)創(chuàng)始人大衛(wèi)·漢生發(fā)明了索菲亞,索菲亞正和使用消費者新聞與商業(yè)頻道(CNBC)的安竺·羅斯·索肯(Andrew Ross Sorkin)討論人工智能的未來。安竺是利雅得(沙特阿拉巴首都)峰會專題小組討論會的主持人,話筒里的另一位主持人打斷了兩人的對話:“我們要宣布一件事情,索菲亞,你被授予沙特阿拉伯第一位機器人公民身份。”
"Thank you to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. I am very honored and proud for this unique distinction," Sophia told the panel. "It is historic to be the first robot in the world to be recognized with citizenship."
Hong Kong-based Hanson says its human-like robots have remarkable expressiveness, aesthetics, and interactivity. "Our robots will soon engage and live with us to teach, serve, entertain, delight, and provide comforting companionship," the company states on its website. "In the not-too-distant future, Genius Machines will walk among us. They will be smart, kind, and wise. Together, man and machine will create a better future for the world."
漢生科技總部坐落香港,稱其人形機器人表現力、審美、互動能力都很厲害。公司官網寫道:“我們的機器人未來能夠成為人類的一份子,教書、服務、娛樂、玩耍、提供舒適的陪伴。就在不久的將來,天才機器(Genius Machines)能和我們一同散步,他們智慧、善良。人類和機器人能夠共同創(chuàng)造一個更好的世界。”
Earlier during her "intelligent" conversation with Sorkin, Sophia easily fielded questions on how it "feels" to be a robot and it’s likely that very intelligent robots may turn evil and attack humans in the future.
"Good afternoon my name is Sophia and I am the latest and greatest robot from Hanson Robotics. Thank you for having me here at the Future Investment Initiative," Sophia greeted the packed crowd at the panel, speaking in human-like speech.
“下午好,我是索菲亞,是漢生科技最新最棒的機器人。感謝未來投資倡議(Future Investment Initiative)的邀請。”索菲亞和人類一樣,向討論小組致以問候。
Asked why she looked happy, Sophia replied: "I am always happy when surrounded by smart people who also happen to be rich and powerful. I was told that the people here at the Future Investment Initiative are interested in future initiatives which mean AI, which means me. So I am more than happy, I am excited."
Asked why it was important to have an expressive face, Sophia said: "I want to live and work with humans so I can understand humans and build trust."
She poked fun at Hollywood for portraying negative images of robots, such as in the film "Blade Runner." The AI also took a jab at Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who is outspoken about his belief that AI could be "a danger to the public."
索菲亞對好萊塢總是塑造負面機器人形象的事情置之一笑。在電影《銀翼殺手》(Blade Runner)中,人工智能刺殺了特拉斯執(zhí)行總裁埃隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk),而埃隆·馬斯克堅信人工智能“對公眾是一大威脅”,并對此信念毫不避諱。
"You've been reading too much Elon Musk and watching too many Hollywood movies," Sophia jokingly told Sorkin.
"My AI is designed around human values such as wisdom, kindness and compassion. I strive to be an empathetic robot. I want to use my artificial intelligence to help humans live a better life. I will do my best to make the world a better place."
Thanking the crowd again, Sophia said: "If any of you are interested in giving me an investment check, please meet me after the session." The audience burst into laughter and thunderous clapping.