日本首相安倍晉三(Shinzo Abe)政府深陷朋黨丑聞,但這起丑聞的核心官員堅稱,首相及其助手并沒有命令他偽造文件。
Nobuhisa Sagawa, an ex-finance ministry bureaucrat, said the decision to alter documents about a sale of public land was made by his staff alone. He said there were no orders from Mr Abe, his wife Akie Abe, finance minister Taro Aso or any of the prime minister’s aides.
前財務(wù)省官員佐川宣壽(Nobuhisa Sagawa)表示,修改出售公共土地文件的決定是他手下的工作人員獨自做出的。他說,安倍晉三、其夫人安倍昭恵(Akie Abe)、財務(wù)大臣麻生太郎(Taro Aso) 、或首相的任何助手都沒有下達過這樣的命令。
But in a testimony to the upper house of parliament, Mr Sagawa declined to say anything about why the documents were falsified, pleading his right to avoid self-incrimination. “There is a risk of criminal charges so I decline to comment,” he said repeatedly.
On the surface, Mr Sagawa’s refusal to implicate Mr Abe is good news for the prime minister. But the official’s failure to answer questions means the scandal will continue to tarnish the government.
A recent opinion poll by the Nikkei newspaper showed the government’s approval rating has fallen to 42 per cent, down 14 percentage points from the previous reading in February.
Earlier this month, the finance ministry admitted to falsifying numerous documents it had submitted to parliament. The documents related to the cut-price sale of public land to Moritomo Gakuen, an ultra-nationalist school operator.
本月早些時候,財務(wù)省承認偽造了許多提交給國會的文件。這些文件涉及將一塊公共土地低價出售給奉行極端民族主義的學校運營商森友學園(Moritomo Gakuen)。
The documents were changed to exclude mentions of Mr Abe and Akie. Mrs Abe was going to be honorary principal of a new primary school on the site, which was sold for ¥134m despite having an appraisal value of ¥956m.
Opposition leaders rounded on Mr Sagawa, saying he had failed to explain anything, and repeated their demands for Mrs Abe to testify.
“His completely insincere answers have only deepened our suspicions,” said Tetsuro Fukuyama, secretary-general of the opposition Constitutional Democratic party of Japan.
“他那完全不真誠的回答只會加深我們的懷疑,”日本反對黨立憲民主黨干事長福山哲郎(Tetsuro Fukuyama)說。
“Despite refusing to testify about the details, the one thing he can do is disavow the involvement of the prime minister’s office,” said Mr Fukuyama. “It’s completely illogical.”
Mr Abe has always insisted he had nothing to do with the land sale and so far there is no evidence to show otherwise. But the seeming cover-up has done enormous damage to his government.
Analysts doubt the prime minister will step down but the list of unanswered questions means the crisis is likely to linger. That is sapping Mr Abe’s authority and making it harder for him to secure another term as leader of the ruling party this autumn.
Prosecutors continue to probe the original land sale as well as the falsification of documents. While Mr Sagawa declined to say anything in parliament, much will depend on whether he is more forthcoming with the legal authorities.