The animals were spotted by a fisherman at HamelinBay, about 300km (180 miles) south of Perth, earlylast Friday.
About half of the whales were already dead, according to authorities in Western Australian (WA).
"The strength of the animals and the windy and possibly wet weather conditions will affectwhen and where we attempt to move them out to sea," said Jeremy Chick, from theDepartment of Biodiversity and Conservation.
Officials said the animals were thought to be short-finned pilot whales, a species known tostrand "en masse".
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported that dozens of rescuers were at the beach. Authorities have also issued a shark alert, warning people to stay away from the area.
"It is possible the dead and dying animals will act as an attractant, which could lead to sharkscoming close into shore along this stretch of coast," the state's fisheries department said in astatement.