Peter Grinspoon got addicted to Vicodin in medical school, and still had an addiction five years into practice as a primary care physician.
Then, in February 2005, he got caught.
One day, during lunch, the state police and the DEA showed up at his medical office in Boston.
"I start going all, 'I'm glad you're here. How can I help you?' " he says. "And they're like, 'Doc, cut the crap. We know you're writing bad scripts.' "
He was fingerprinted the next day and charged with three felony counts.
He also was immediately referred to a Physician Health Program, one of the state-run specialty treatment programs developed in the 1970s by physicians to help fellow physicians beat addiction. Known to doctors as PHPs.
The programs work with state medical licensing boards — if you follow the treatment and monitoring plan they set up for you, they'll recommend to the board that you get your medical license back, Grinspoon explains. It's a significant incentive.
"The PHPs basically say, 'Do whatever we say or we won't give you a letter that will help you get back to work,' " Grinspoon says. "They put a gun to your head."
Grinspoon was told that to avoid a criminal record he would need to spend 90-days at an inpatient center in Virginia.
Grinspoon eventually recovered, but only, he says, after going through several "awful" rehab experiences. "I recovered , not because I went to rehab," he says.
Today, he is a licensed primary care doctor and teaches at Harvard Medical School. He has also written a book about his experience with addiction.