Last month archaeologists excavating a site at Vinjeroa in central Norway uncovered the boat grave of a woman who died in the second half of the 9th century. Shell-shaped gilded bronze brooches and a crucifix-shaped brooch fashioned from an Irish harness fitting were found in the grave, along with a pearl necklace, two pairs of scissors, part of a spindle and a cow’s skull, according to the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).
Archaeologists, however, were surprised to find that, instead of digging a new grave for the woman, she and her boat were placed inside a larger boat grave from 100 years earlier. The larger boat, which measures between 29.5 feet and 32.8 feet long, contains the remains of a man who was buried with his weapons.
While most of the wood from the boats has rotted away, their rivets were still in position, so archaeologists were able to identify the double boat burial. The man had been buried with a spear, a shield and a shingle-edged sword.
Speaking to Norwegian SciTech News, Raymond Sauvage, an archaeologist at the NTNU University Museum in Trondheim, who led the excavation, explained that the sword clearly dates the grave to the 8th century.
The burials were made in an area that was home to Viking-era farms. While the soil conditions are not ideal for preserving bones, archaeologists have recovered part of the woman’s skull, which will be used for DNA analysis and may give an indication of what she looked like.
Sauvage told Norwegian SciTech News that the man and the woman were likely related. “It’s reasonable to think that the two were buried together to mark the family’s ownership to the farm, in a society that for the most part didn’t write things down,” he added.